(Random 81) This nearly brought tears to my eyes-

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So, bookwormwriter1435 told this to me:

'My fandom id music just like you! And I'm starting to like Vocaloid. It is a very unique thing. It's very exceptional that you like Vocaloid because you're different. And being different is never bad. My grandmother was talking to me today. She said I think differently to other people and she said that's really good because that means you're unique! I don't judge by that! Those people who you are trying to hide your fandoms from don't be embarrassedsed to show it! Literally a lot of people in my other school laughed at me for likening 20th-century songs like the Beatles. But that didn't get me drained down. Just love what you do and keep doing it! That's what matters! And I'll be there with you.'

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I can't express how much that means too me, so have a chapter in my Randomness book!!!

Thank you.

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