Mobs Gone Wrong

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Luke's POV

Leia and I took off at the speed of light as the mob came headed our way, torches and pitchforks at the ready. They were crying chants of peace and death among other things.

"What's going on with them?" I questioned.

"It's a protest, alright," Leia mumbled as we dashed right into an alleyway. "They certainly want peace, but I don't understand why they're protesting it. Isn't everything peaceful here in Naboo?"

"Look, they've gone," I peered out from the alleyway. "I wonder what they're really up to,"

"I have a bad feeling about this," Leia shook her head as we followed the mob from behind. Eventually, we reached our home...home?! Why were they at our house?

"What the heck?" we heard Mom mutter as she went onto the balcony.

"There she is!" a protester cried out. "Somebody kill her!"

We heard Mom gasp as someone threw a pitchfork at her. The pitchfork landed onto the balcony. Mom rushed inside and shut the door as more people threw pitchforks and torches at the balcony. Leia and I watched in horror as the house we so dearly loved began to burn up in flames.

"Mom!" I cried in fear, but Leia restrained me. The mob turned around and someone pointed at us.

"The children! Get them!" he yelled.

"Dammit, Luke!" Leia hissed in my ear as we both ran for our lives. The mob pursued us as we were chased down sidewalks, bridges, and whatever surface one can name until eventually, we were cornered.

"You're so dead now," one of them snarled.

"Leia, what do we do?" I whispered.

"I never wanted to do this," I heard Leia murmur as she got out her blaster. She began shooting at the mobsters, who fell to the ground like rag dolls. I put my hands on my belt, where I usually kept my lightsaber. wasn't there. Stupid me! I must've left it at home!

"Incoming!" a voice cried from above. Ajax landed right in front of us, slaying mobsters one by one.

"Ajax! What are you doing?!" I demanded to know.

"I'm saving your guys' lives! These mobsters are crazy!"

"You could say that. Why would they wanna kill us all of a sudden?"

"I really don't know. You'd have to ask my master,"

"There's an opening! Come on!" Leia pointed towards an opening in the crowd. Ajax and I followed her down the streets of Naboo as we narrowly dodged pitchforks and torches hurling our way. The fire on the torches ignited the path of the sidewalk.

The mob chased us all over town until eventually, we reached our home---or whatever remained of it. Its charred remains sat forlornly on the ground.

"Guess they're gone," one of the mobsters shrugged. "We'll get them another day,"

And so the mob dispersed. Afterwards, we saw Mom climb out of the bushes, looking for possessions that survived the fire. There were none...except for my fireproof lightsaber.

"Oh, it's you guys," Mom nodded as we got out from our hiding place. "Luke, I'm sorry. All I could salvage from the ruins was your lightsaber," She slipped the lightsaber into my arm.

"Where do we go from here?" Leia asked.

"I guess we've no choice but to go to the Rebel base on Yavin 4," Mom shook her head. "C'mon,"

And so soon, Leia, Mom, and I had left the only home we had ever known.


Author's Note: Luke, Leia, and Padme lost their home on Naboo. What will happen to them? What else is in store? What's up with the mob?

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