narutos curse

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"It's been 5 months since Sasuke came back from killing orichimaru and he has more fangirls then ever!" I complained to Kiba. Secretly to no ones knowledge i am super happy that he keeps turning them away, because I love him, well kyuubii knows but he approves. Kiba sighed and petted akimaru saying "Oh well. That Uchiha will always get the ladies attention. Anyway, you want to go eat at Ichimakus ramen?" I shook my head griining at his shocked look." Nope, I'm going to the trainig area for a while see ya" I walked away from Kiba looking at the genin kids running past me. I past some Anbu Black Ops and nodded to them. "I finally made it to the training area" i said. It was completely deserted and even the birds were gone. Shrugging i went to the forest area and started throwing kunai knives at the targets. 2 hours pased and i sat underneath a tree exsausted, sweay, and happy. I felt a shadow come over me and opened one eye excpecting Kakashi. I jumped up in shock for standing in front of me presumed dead was Orichimaru!

"What the fuck!" I cried out and reached for a kunai knife but was thrown up against tree. Orichimaru chuckled "suprise>" he said. I glared at him ready to fight when he pressed himself against me and licked my kneck. I flinched and struggled against him with no success. "What the hell " i growled. Kyuubii in my mind growled to me" Kit this is dangerous you need to get out of there. I cant help you " i nodded and struggled more but nothing happened. Orichimaro unzipped my jacket andslit my shirt open with a kunai knife, one of his snakes came and held my hands above me. I asked him" what are you doing" He didn't answer but instead took one of my nipples in ghis mouth and sucked it and nibbled it aggresively. I hissed and tried to move away but couldnt move.

Orichimaru tugged my pants down and took off the remains of my shirt and jacket. Orichimaru grinned at his view. snapping his fingers his snake dissappered and gave me a chance to run. He pushed me on the ground and flipped me on my stomach. He tugged my boxers down and slammed his dick in me. "GAHHHHHHHHH" Iscreamed for it felt like i was being ripped in t wo. iclawed at the earth underneath me as he slammed into me again. "S-S-STOP! PLEASE" I begged. He ignored me and came into me. Then he dug his fangs into my neck. It felt like hell was burning through me then it was over. Orichimaru looked at me like i was a dog and pulled me up by my hair" tell anyone about this and sasuke is dead." I nodded to him and he threw my own clothes at me. how he got them i didnt want to now i slowly pulled myself up and put my clothes on.

i walked back to town and punched a wall clenching my teeth. kyuubii winced as blood trickled down my knuckles. sighing he healed me but he could never heal how i felt.HuRt. BROKEN. dirty.FILTHY. DEAD. lost in my own thoughts i bumped into sasuke who muttered" watch it dobe" " sorry" i said i had no energy to retort back. he walked up to me an asked " naruto you alright" i nodded and sprinted away. when i finally arrived at my apartment i locked it and fell to the ground clutcing my shoulder wich burned like hell. i crawled to my room and my bed and screamed into my pillow clutching my sheets

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