hes dead

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I watched as orichimaru grinned and licked his lips with that sick tongue if his. I growled and ran at him. he laughed as if he didnt think I would do any damage as he dissapeard. I smirked and twisted around kicking him away as he appeared behind me trying ti catch me off gaurd.

    " heh is that the best you got naruto-kun" he was going to say more but I just raked my claws across his face as I swiped at him. I grinned as I felt a wave of energy swept down my spine and I saw the  9 tail-like chakra appear behind me. orichimaru glared at me as he relized he fucked up BIG TIME. I narrowed my eyes and told him darkly"im through toying around with you goodbye orichimaru"

my "tails" grabbed him and pulled him to me. I stared into his eyes and brought him close and whispered to him a single question"why did you do it" he looked at me and a slow smile creeped on his face."because naruto-kun it is just the beginning of it all" I looked at him and drew my hand back and stabbed him through the heart with my claws and pushed through elbow deep as I felt my hand burst through his back. his blood splattered on my face and he slumped against me I drew my hand out as it made a wet squelching sound and I cast his body aside in disgust.

I looked up as I felt his blood drip from my hand and felt my spine tingle as mt tails dissapeared. I felt my canines shrink back to normal and claws become less sharper as I saw the man that I loved look at me and walk over slowly.  I grinned slightly as I felt myself fall to the floor"good your alright teme" and I felt myself being caught before I lost consciousness.

Sasuke pov


"naruto? !" I caught him before he fell on the floor and I watched as his hair bece his blonde color with light highlights of red on the tips. his whiskers went back to normal.  "naru-" I started but was cut off by lady tsunade "its just chakra exhaustion he'll be up in a day at most"I nodded and kissed his forehead not caring what the others thought. " Dobe you better wake up and be alright or Im gonna strangle you" I picked him bridal style, noticing a small smile on his face. "im taking him home with me" I stated and jumped up in the trees and headed back to the leaf.

No ONES pov


lady tsunade walked ovwr to the body of orichimaru and grinned slightly while teara ran down hwr face. "hes dead for real this time" kakashi walked up to her as did gaara. everyone else had ran off after sasuke left trying to see if they could find anyplace where orichimaru had made camp. "ill stay in konaha for a little while"gaara said before dissapearing in a swirl of sand.

kakashi put his hand on tsunade's shoulder and stood their with her as it started raining, and walked with her quietly as  tgey made their way back to konaha wondering also what else had orichimaru done to their knuckle-head.  "hes dead finally" tsunade said again as the reached the gates.  Kakashi nodded and tge continued to walk in silence.  "I wonder what sasuke will do to naruto " kakashi wondered out loud.  tsunade growled"nothing thats what until after I exam him tomorrow" kakashi chuckled and took tsunade to a restaurant and gave the owners a fair amount of money dfor all of sake.

sasuke:finally mee and naruto qre alone hehehe

me:sasuke is a perv

sasuke:*splutters* am not

naruto:oh yeah weren't you chasing her

sasuke:I forgive her for im alone with uou

naruto: if you do anything to me baa-chan would pummel you to neqr death

sasuke:*grumbles* fine ill wait maybe

me: ...........bakas anyway thxs for reading this chapter and sorry about thqt short fight but more naruto awesomeness will happen later on i promise  ^-^

please comment review vote or whatever let me know what you think   ^_^

                                          (>~<) > tuna!

                                          \(/  )/

meow ^-^ my cat is running for tuna

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