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Sakura kept trying to talk to me at the training area are but i was to absorbed in my thoughts of yesterday when Naruto APOLAGIZED to me. I shuddered slightly at the craziness of him apologizing more often, when Naruto came inlate. Sakura stopped talking to me as she noticed him also for he was late and was never late. I saw that he had circles from lack of sleep and his hair was even more untidy. He didn't acknowledge neither sakura or me, he groaned as he sat under a tree and closed his eyes Sakura and I looked at him curiously and concerned and looked at each other wandering about him when Kakshi appeared.

"God! Kakashi even now your always late!" Sakura shouted at him. I smirked"HN. TYPICAL". NARUTO OPENED HIS EYES AND GRINNED AND SHOOK HIS HEAD.....................NO COMMENT. " Well today we have no missions so wy dont we spar against each other. Sakura I am with you," she pouted and looked at me longingly,"Sasuke, Naruto.................try not to kill each other." he chuckled. Naruto got up, following me. "Ready dobe?" i said lookong for some type of comeback. "Yeah, Yea," Naruto said. Shocked but not letting it show on my face i ran at him aiming a blow for his stomach. Naruto dodged and elbowed my back. " Hgh" I grunted and aimed a kick at his side when Narutocried out and fell to his knees clutching his head.



I saw the kick coming and got ready to dodge when pain radiated from the mark, causing me to cry out. Thinking quickly i put my hands to my head, to make them think it was my head. I vaguely saw and hears Sasuke call over Kakashi. Kakashi knelt beside me and calmly asked " Naruto what wrong" I clenched my teeth and shut my eyes. Kyuubi whispered to me in pain also " Tell them something, Kit" I grimaced and said" Kyuubii just shouted to loud of a warning and it hurt...alot." I gave them my rewarding fake grinand said " I'M fine now." Sasuke's onyx eyes looked at me with to much emotion to read them and Saskura, well, was looking at Sasuke with hearts in her eyes. Kakashi ruffled my hair " well if this happens again let me now alright. Now then lets call it a day" he said poofing away.

Sasukes pov


"Sasuke wanna go on a date" the pink headed devil asked me for the millionth time. Sighing I said again " NO" bluntly. I narrowed my eyes at the back of Naruto as i noticed that Naruto was walking with a limp and his shoulders were tense with pain. I watched the blonde until he turned the corner. I turned and walked to the Uchiha estate, wondering what was goin on with my dobe. I stopped. WHAT THE HELL!!!! DID I JUST CALL THAT IDIOT MINE! Shaking my head i thought" clearly need sleep "

"NARUTOOOOO!!!" I screamed. I watched as Naruto writhed in pain and agony on the ground> " NARUTO WHATS WRONG! NARUTO!" naruto turned his back to me and i gasped as i saw a glowing curse mark on his shoulder. "Naruto!!!!!!" i screamed in disbelief because orichimaru had appered behind him. He slid his dick in naruto and naruto begged him to stop" STOP ORICHIMARU PLEASE" HE SCREAMED. Why didnt he use Kyuubiis chakra?! "Naruto!" I struggled to go to him and shove orichimaru of and kill him and comfort naruto but couldn't move at all!!!!! "NARUTOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I jolted awakein my bed panting and out of breath, and drenched in sweat I rubbed my face" what the fuck was that about................Naruto?"

narutos curseWhere stories live. Discover now