Chapter 26

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"Okay so all of Fast & Furious is over. Now what? Jason Bourne? Psych? Covert Affairs?" Tatyana lists off movies and tv shows. "But the thing with tv shows is, how much do we watch? Do we watch the whole thing? Like for Psych, that's 8 seasons and the movie! That seems like a lot. Especially after 8 Fast & Furious movies." She rattles on and I get up to make more popcorn. While in the kitchen I open another bag or mini m&ms and dump them into our almost empty bowl.

"Psych. Definitely, Psych." I contribute. "I need a little laughter right now. And as funny as Vin's accent is, I think I need some Shawn and Gus right now." Tatyana cheers and I pour the popcorn into a large bowl and bring over both bowls while she sets up the tv.

We've been at this all night. As you can imagine, 8 films already. I guess it really isn't night anymore but the shades are drawn and you can't see if the sun is peeking in or not so I choose to think it's still dark out.

Sometimes I catch myself wondering what Kurt is doing or wondering when he will be back and I have to force myself to stop thinking about him. I can't pretend what we had was real. It wasn't. It was just a game.

I sit back into the arm of the couch and sigh. Tatyana looks at me. "Are you thinking about him?" She asks softly. I nod and she gives me a sad smile. "Ana, he likes you. Okay? He really does. I've told you this from the beginning. Who knows, maybe he has liked you for a while now." She is about to continue talking but I cut her off.

"No," I say and dismiss her words with a wave of my hand. "He doesn't. It was all fake." I pause and I can feel her watching me. I sigh and pull the blanket up to my chin. "I just feel so stupid, you know? I mean you don't know because you have your boyfriend and he's awesome and real and loves you." I ramble on, forming sentences that aren't really sentences. "But Kurt, Kurt wasn't real. Everything we did wasn't real."

"Wait, what did you guys do?" Tatyana sits up a little bit, interested. She leans in closer and a smile threatening to spread across her lips. I blush and hide behind my hands but then quickly respond so she doesn't get the wrong impression.

"No, nothing! I mean, okay, I maybe, tried to do stuff..." I trail off blushing even more and she pushes my shoulder laughing.

"What did you do?! I knew you guys liked each other." She nods her head, proud of her detective skills. It makes me smile. I feel like a school girl talking about her crush on an older man. (Not too much older but you know in middle school when you had crushes on like a high school senior or something? Something like that).

"I don't know. I was acting all emotional and I kissed him and then kind of pulled him on me and I was trying to uhm... undo his pants." I say blushing a bit from embarrassment. She grins at me. "Yeah okay but he stopped me. He was the one who stopped." I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. I guess I was just caught up in the whole performance. I was having fun." Again I sigh, "I'm probably just repeating myself now but that's really all I can say. Well, besides the fact that I definitely like him."

"I knew it!" Tatyana tosses popcorn at me. "Also, duh. Everyone believed you guys were a couple. And you're terrible at acting." I roll my eyes but she is right. I'm really bad at it. "Maybe he stopped you because he wants to try a real relationship. Start where normal couples start." She offers and I have to shrug again. I honestly don't know. I don't think he wants a relationship though. I sigh and lean my head back against the couch.

"We should probably start moving my stuff out of here..." I say quietly, looking around the apartment.

Tatyana shakes her head, "Nope, sorry. You can't come back. I won't allow it." I stare at her, open mouthed, in confusion. She nods. "You cannot come back to live with me unless you actually try to work this out and it just doesn't work. Then and only then can you come back to live with me." She says and pats my arm affectionately. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, so what do I do now?" I pull a blanket up to my nose, hiding from the future.  

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