Chapter 6

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     I dont know why, but the very mention of my scars had set me off. I looked to the stivky note in my hand, then to the hill i had just crossed. Masky was on the other side, probably coming to me. I sighed, "I'm such an idiot." i say. I cant drag him tinto this, i was stupid for trying. Yet... i put the sticky note on a beacn and place a rock on it, just in case. I already knew the place, i had reconized the adress. "I'm sorry." i say, wishing Masky would get the message, then teleproted out of there.


     I handn't thought she would go off. There was obivously something else. I shook my head and ran over the hill Hoodie had disappeared over. When i reached the other side Hoodie was no where. Then something chaught my eye. The note with the location was on the bench. I walked over, picked it up and studied it. I had a genral idea as to where this would be so i slipped it in my pocket and teleported.


     The second i landed i knew something was up. The street was empty, and a chain link fence stood with several signs posted that stated, "DO NOT CROSS" and "GOVERMENT PORPERTY" i looked about but didn't see Hoodie anywhere. Not exactly sure as to what to do i teleported inside the gate and seaked into the warehouse. I'm just stupid.


     I'm just stupid. I'm in the lab, deleting files and kicking any scientist  that threatened to wake, when i saw Masky on the security feed. Well, I didn't exactly see Masky. I saw his EMP, or electro magnetic pulse. All proxys have it, along with teleporting. It messes with cameras, phones, and other electronics. Even Slendy has it. When static flashed across the screen i could tell a powerful proxy was here. And it had to be Masky because no one has a EMP singature like him.  I groaned under my breath and removed the flash drive i had inserted earlier. There were a few files i wanted to keep. I slipped it in my pocket and was about to leave when i heard voices down the hall. My body went rigid and i drew a knife. i stood by the door and closed my eyes. The door swung open and two men and a girl stumbled in. The girl gave a suprised cry as she saw the people on the floor. Then men instantly drew guns, but i was faster. I took one man and pressed my knife against his neck. "Not a word." i say in a deadly calm voice, "Drop you guns." i say. The other man does and looks me over, "Who are you?" he asks, "What do you want?" he asked. I took slow and calming breaths, "Where is the realse?" I asked.


     He lead me down the hall to a small vault, "Open it." i commanded. He did as i said and handed me the flash drive reluctantly. I took it and said, "Thank you for your coperation." I released the man and thrust him against the other. Then i bolted down the hall. I had to find Masky and get him out of here.


     I wondered down the halls, activly avoiding people. I was doing good till two men ran down the hall. Ones neck had slight red brusing, "Hoodie." i whispered. The man with the hurt neck burst into a room and suddenly a alarm was going off, "Intruders within perimesis! One individual in a black hood. Female, and extremly dangous!" Well, Hoodie would be flattered. It was then that i heard the gasp. I turned to see a woman in a lab coat. I quickly covered her mouth and shoved her into the closest room. Luckily, the only other person was a bald old man sitting in a chair. When he saw me and the woman he started to chuckle, "Told you you would get whats coming for you." he wezzed. I pressed the woman to the wall and raked the knife across her neck. She fell to the floor. Then  i heard a, "Whats your name son?" i turned to the man and realized, "Your a prisoner?" i asked. He nodded and smile, "Not for long. My good friend will be visiting me soon." He said, then coughed. When he was done hacking up his lungs he looked up into my eyes, "Son, do you have something to live for?" I took a step back. I had not expected this, "Yes sir." he wiggled his eye brows, "A girl?" i thought of Hoodie and Blushed, "Shut up." i told him, but he kept grinning. "Son, i'll ask agian, whats your name?" For some reason i said, "Masky, Tim."  my current name, and my other name. The man reached out and touched my hand, "Masky, Tim. I thank you for what your about to do, and even if i dont know you i want you to know something." I nodded and kneeled next to him. He took my hands, "I love you." and with that he died. For some reason tears rolled down my face, then came the pain.


     My head felt as if it was about to explode. i fell and laid on the ground, my body unable to move. I couldn't hear anything, feel anything, my chest felt like an elepant was sitting on it. Then the door burts open and there stood Hoodie. She looked down at me, her red eyes filled with worry. She picked me up and glanced down at the dead man in the chair.  I saw her mouth, "Im sorry Sam." She then kissed the top of his head and teleported us out of there.


     I felt hands on me. I opened my eyes to see Eyeless Jack and Hoodie try to find what was wrong with me. "I'm fine." i croaked, Hoodie gapsed at my words, "He's awake." She said. Jack gave her a look, smiled, then turned back to me, "Man, you should have told me Hoodie was actually a hot chick." I laughed weaky. "Right." i said. Then sat up, "What did that old guy do to me?" I asked. Hoodie's hand still searched me and i realized then that i was shirtless. Without looking up she said, "He transffered his power to you." Electricity ran up me everywhere she touched, "What powers?" i asked, trying to keep my voice even. "The power to see into or go into  anothers mind." He hands went to my back and i felt my face grow hot. "There doesnt seem to be any external damage but... my god Masky!" her hand went to my forehead, "Your burning up!" my face went a deeper shade of red, if that was possible. Hoodie pulled on her mask, "I'm going to get medicien, stay here." she said to me, then to jack, "Watch him." Jack nodded. When Hoodie left Jack turned to me, grinning wider than Jeff ever could, "Dude, i am so jealous of you!"

(Awww, kinda.... so, what do you think? Please comment and vote.)

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