Chapter 13

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     some where among the screams i felt strenght gather in me. i heard Kassandra's voice talking to me, but i never undrstood her words. i just heard her voice as the amazing sound it was. i loved it.

     when i awoke i was in my bed, beside me a shape imprinted atop the sheets that could only be made by one person. Steam poured from beneath the door of the bathroom and a faint voice reachs me. i was sore, but i stood anyway. I had seen so much of Kassandra. Her haunting dreams, her past, her monsters, her scars. so much to her. Wait... i havent given her her gift yet!! i smacked a hand agiast my fore head, then yelped in pain. i'm an idiot. "TIM!?!" a voice calls from the bathroom. a few seconds later Kassandra rushes out of th bathroom in a over sized shirt, sudds still in her hair. "OHMYGODYOURAWAKE!!! one second we were both standing, the next Kassandra and i were falling on to the floor. She pulled me into a tight hug as we hit the floor with a thud. "Kassandra?" my voice slipped from between my lips. 

     What happend next will forever stay in my memory. Kassandra had tears falling down her cheeks, her red eyes burned brightly, "i thought... i was going to die there... oh god Tim...." she kissed the top of my head and then my nose and finally my mouth, "I love you so much." she mouthed agianst my lips. "i love you too." i mouthed back.

    we were once agian on the beds in eachothers arms. this happened so much it almmost seemed chiche. oh well. Kassandra had rinsed the sudds from her hair and had dressed in her pajamas. i myself was only in my boxers. either way we laid there. "Hey kassandra." i whispered. "yeah?" came her marvolous  voice. "Do you want you birthday gift?" i asked. she tensed but quickly relaxed, "sure." i reached under our pillow and pulled out a small box. She gasped when she opened it. A ring, carved in jade. It was two dragons intertwined with intricate scroll work. She smiled, "i cant thank you enough."  i pulled her close and held the ring between two fingers, "Kassandra, will you stay my girlfriend, and perhaps one day become my wife." i held my breath. Kassandra grinned in a manner that would have put Jeff to shame. it was amazing. "Tim, Masky." she paused, "Hell. yes."


     my mission was done, i had a loving boyfriend who couldn't be any more perfect for me, and my parents souls were at rest. 

     I stood at their graves, the frown on my lips wavering. i held Tim's hand tightly. "Hi guys." i began. "i... you.... i miss you." i held back a hic, "i hope you can rest knowing he is dead. Knowing i am in good hands." i took a shaky breath and set a red rose down on each grave, "i want you to know i will be back. i  have a family to return to... even if most of them have killed or are just down right insane." i held Tim's hand tighter. "i have partner mom, one like you had. one that is loyal even when you wish they wern't." Tim squezzed my hand and said, "Mr. and Ms. Shade, i want you to know i love your daughter... i will never let anything happen to her as long as i live." he turned to look at me "We are partners in crime after all." 

     as we were walking away something made me stop. i spun around and gaped.  My mother and father stood, each holding their rose. my mom winked at me. "you okay-" Tim stopped. Seeing my parents. My dad gave him a "you better tak care of her you son of a -" look. then my dad smiled at me. i stood, frozen. then a gust of wind came and they vanished. i smiled. Turning to Tim i said, "lets go home." he nodded, turning away from the space where my parents once stood and said, "yeah, lets go home." 

( ta da!!! the end!!! other crap marking the conclusion of this story!!!! So sorry if it scucked it is my first fan fic!!! Okay, what did you think? please comment and vote! Also take a look at my other stories. and thank you for not killing me.)


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