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Emma’s POV~

    Mackenzie and I finished packing up our clothes and weapons and loaded them up in Mackenzie’s black camaro.

As soon as we packed everything up, I called “Uncle Bobby”. I waited a few seconds before he picked up to tell him about the hunting case we’re about to go on. “Hey Uncle Bobby!” Both Mackie and I yell into the phone.

Bobby giggles for a second before replying, “Hello Girls.”

“We have another case, we’re stopping by your house before we go and solve it. Are you coming with us this time?” I stated as Mackie continued to drive.

“No I’m afraid not, but I do have people who are going instead of me..”

“Who is it?”

“Just wait and see once you guys get to my house.”

“Ughhhh fine.” I wined. “Okay I guess we’ll see you once we get there. See you then.”

“Alright, see you then.” As soon as he said that I hung up the phone and tried to turn up the radio…. Like I said, tried. Mackie slapped my hand before I could do anything. “Ow, what the hell was that for?”

“Only the driver gets to pick the music. Put in the usual please.” I grabbed her favorite P!ATD (Panic! At The Disco) disk and pushed it into the disk reader off the radio. I hate when she drives sometimes I don’t really like her music that much, but I have to deal with it so oh well. After 2o something minutes of Mackie driving/jamming out we finally arrived at Bobby’s House. Once we got there I saw a shiny black chevy impala. We got out and went to the door and knocked this really tall cute hazel eyes dude who opened the door. I just stared and Mackenzie hit me to stop me from drooling and then she said “Hi I'm Mackenzie and that's Emma don't mind her is Bobby here?”

“Yeah he is right in here”said the man.

“Thank you”said Mackenzie and we walked in (just saying he could not take his eyes off me)

“My name's Sam by the way.” said Sam. When we walked in we saw Bobby and this other dude who was tall but not as tall as Sam.

“Hi girls”said Bobby. The other dude could not stop looking at Mackenzie and vise versa. Then Bobby said “This is Sam and Dean Winchester they are going to help you on the hunt. Sam and Dean this is Emma Raab and Mackenzie Jackley.”. Mackenzie and I’s mouths dropped open. Then the boys looked at the us in shock.

“You are the hunters we’re working with?” Dean spoke in a shocked voice. Then Mackenzie gave Dean the dirtiest look ever, almost as dirty as when some slut was trying to get with her boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend) while she was holding his hand……… Man did that girl get the shit beaten out of her. Sam and I could not take our eyes off of each other, until we were brought  out of are trance by Dean getting slammed to the ground by Mackenzie.  Then Sam grabs Dean and the go outside to talk. The boys come back in as Bobby leaves the house saying that he’s getting food for us, and Sam grabs my hand and we go outside to talk. While we we're talking Sam said that he likes me and he asked me out which I said yes to. When we came back inside we see that Dean and Mackenzie made up because they were making out on Bobby's couch. Typical Mackenzie, she’s such a tease/flirt. I decided to take Sam upstairs while Dean and Mackenzie were doing there thing but not before taking a picture for blackmail. (Love you Mackenzie).

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