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Dean’s POV~

    I Literally got interrupted from making out with Mackenzie, which was the best make-out session ever out of all the girls, that was by far the best, by Emma and Sam. Really Sam, you suck for that, would you like it if I interrupted you and Emma’s make-out session, no. Well anyway, Sam interrupted us to make a plan for the hunting case, which I totally didn’t forget about…..I was just so distracted. Once we figured out our plan of attack we loaded our bags up into two cars; mine and Mackenzie’s. We are having in Mackenzie and I in her car, and Sam and Emma in the Impala. Mackenzie didn’t want to give up her car. I felt the same way but girls always win, so I gave my keys to Sam. Sam and I had a conversation about rules, most of it was if you do this to the car I’m going to kill you, etc.

    Once Mackenzie and I were on the road she practically forced me to put my music on,not like I cared much.. After a few songs, I look at Mackie to see her upset,

    “Is something wrong Mackenzie?” She ignored me and turn up the music. I turned the volume nozzle down again, “Mackie?” As soon as I said her nickname she quickly looked at me with unshed tears glistening on her eyes. I force her to pull over so we can talk to one another, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” I ask her in a sweet and calming tone when I see her crying.

    “Nothing…..” She tried wiping the tears away but more just came and replaced them.

    “I may be stupid, but I’m not blind.” Well it’s true, and at least I made her giggle a bit.“Just tell me, please.”

    “It’s just that you know the town we’re going to.”

    “Yeah,” I say trying to urge her to tell me more.

    “That’s Emma and I’s home town, we lost everything here. I promised myself I would never go back there ever again.” Soon enough she told me everything. When she was telling me this I grabbed her hand and slowly caressed my thumb against it. I understand her.

    “I know how you feel Mackie.”

    “Really?” And sure enough I actually did, I told her my story, the same exact sadness, pain, and vengeance that she has. . So if I can get through this, than she can, if not then i’ll be by her side. After talking I gave a quick kiss to her hand as Mackie started to drive to her home town. Not to mention a few minutes down the road were Sam and Emma making out, So Mackie honked as she drove past them.

    “That was Hilarious!” I yelled as if I was a teenager.

    “What they interrupt us, we interrupt them.It’s only fair.” After that we laughed most of the way there.

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