Chapter Three || Everybody's #1 Girl

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Well, patience was never one of my strong suits-- I didn't get as quick, or a quantitative voting that I had hoped for in the comments, so I took initiative and questioned everyone I saw in the hallways of my HS. The majority thought either Skrillix, 'cause it sounded cool, or Clip, 'cause it was cute, and made sense since the spider was clingy. So-- Clip was decided! 

Your trio approaches the wooden steps leading up onto the porch, of which Anti deftly jumps over, elated. Dark follows in suit, without the elation, leaving you to walk up them like the normal half-dead ghost-human you were. They  creaked loudly as you steadied your weight on them, and you worried whether they'd hold you or not.

"Hey, are these steps s-?" The fourth step splinters and your foot falls through, all the way up to your hip. You were unhurt, luckily, and Clip still clung to the safety of your shoulder. Anti and Dark turn back and stare at you.

"We should get that fixed." Dark says nonchalantly.

"Take my hand, (Y/n)!" Anti says cheerfully, extending a claw. You take it, and he easily rights you.

"Thanks, Anti."

Just then, the front door swings open, revealing an ominous hall, shrouded in darkness.

Everyone tenses, and you're suddenly hit with the memories of the elevator at the Muddy Heights Hotel and Suites.

Little multicolored bulbs blink on, illuminating in the hall. You squint, confused, when it dawns on you. Those weren't lights... They were eyes.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" You jump when battle cries erupt from inside and from Dark and Anti. The two demons disappear inside and the sounds of a large scuffle can be heard.

You stand there, badassly confuzzled. "Um... Guys...?"

You turn on your flashlight and sweep over the tangled mess of tumbling bodies, condensed in the middle of the vestibule. You could vaguely make out 6 men, including your demons. They sounded like fighting cats, hissing, spitting and growling, while they rolled around scratching and biting.

"Dark! Anti! Are you okay?!" You yell, now fearing they were getting hurt.

Anti is thrown from the group, another pinning him to the floorboards, growling. You start; the stranger looked very similar to Anti, though his green hair was styling up into spikes and several shades darker. His eyes were narrowed, the right blue and the other green, with normal whites. Your eyes move to his hands; no claws.

"Hey! Get off him!" Making a split second decision, you step forward and draw your other foot back to kick. In the span of milliseconds it took to swing your foot to his face, the stranger completely froze, blinked out of sight, then appeared again, sitting up. You struck nothing but air, and the momentum brought you to your knees.

"Oi! Anti's brought us a girl!" The stranger shouts, with a rough Irish accent.

"W h a t." You stand quickly when the tumbling ball of cats disperse, and they rush at you like kids to Grandma Cookies.

"A girl!"

"Woah, a girl!"

"So pretty!"

You overwhelmed with the bodies suddenly so close, fingers poking your face, pulling at your hair and clothes, and voices loud and excited. Clip hisses, clicking audibly at them, but his efforts were futile. Familiar red claws reach through the crowd and lift you under your armpits, above the noise and people.

"Shut the hell up!" Dark yells, voice booming. You shrink into a ball, embarrassed to be held out of reach like a toy everyone wants to play with. Clip crawls up your neck to nestle in your hair, as if trying to hide as well.

Everyone had quieted, and Dark smiles. "Gentlemen, this is (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n), our girlfriend." Cheers erupt from the group.



"Hell yeah!"

"W h a t." You twist around, nearly fall, and brace your hands on Dark's shoulders, his hand still supporting your abdomen. "Dark what the hell?! I'm not your girlfriend!"

"Mine, Anti's, everybody's." He corrects you casually. You pale as shivers run down your spine. Everybody's girlfriend...

"Out of my way! Out of my way, I am the most important person in this room here!" A man pushes aside the others and approaches you, taking your hand and kissing it. You feel your spider tense on your shoulder.

"Names Wilford Warfstache, mi'lady." He introduces himself, his pink curly mustache moving with every dramatic expression and pronunciation. He had extremely wavy bubble gum pink bangs, and unruly dark hair. He wore a pale yellow dress shirt with white cuffs, a pink bow tie, and suspenders, keeping his khakis up. On his feet he adorned black and white converse with maroon, gold, and white striped socks.

"It, is truly, just wonderful to have such a beauty as yourself here." Wilford continues, kissing your hand again after every word. You look to Dark, feeling super awkward and uncomfortable. Dark responds by kicking Will in the hip. The man freezes, then slowly lifts his head, glare intense, though his lips were still pursed.

"Hey there!" The stranger who'd pinned Anti before shoved Wilford aside and clunked toward you in heavy combat boots, extending a hand, smiling widely. He wore a army green sleeveless tank and baggy black cargo pants. You accept it hesitantly, eyes glued to his incisors that blinked from normal teeth to sharp fangs before your eyes.

"SepticGlitch, here for your endless entertainment~"

"Ah, we always knew you were a clown, Sitch." Anti remarks, smirking.

"Shut up, Leprechaun." He shoots back. Sitch's movements were choppy and edgy; he'd move then, his image would freeze, and he'd complete the movement in a few seconds. It was like a scratched disk, the scenes pausing, skipping ahead, then starting again.

"Hello, I am Glitchiplier, Sitch's brother program." A nerdy-professional looking black haired man with a blue right eye and red left eye acknowledges you, offering a sincere smile. You shake hands with what you can feel is the only sane person in this room. "You may call me Mitch."

Mitch wore a black jacket and crew neck underneath, blue necktie, black jeans, and dress shoes. In his breast pocket were several pencils and pens, and you spotted a small sketch book peeking out of his jeans. His hair was styled in a high side sweep, combed away from his forehead to reveal his widows peak. He glitched and twitched in and out of sight like his brother as well.

"Nice to meet you, Mitch." You feel safe to reply for the first time.

"And last, but not least, Dreamiplier." Anti introduces the deep blue haired man at the back of the group, quiet and observant. His irises were a glowing yellow, like a pair of night lights. Dream's skin was pale, and little stars dotted his cheeks like freckles.

"Hi, I'm, um-"

"A star shining on a moonless night." The man finishes, his voice deep and smooth, almost melodious. "As cleansing as a midnight stroll." He wore a navy blue button shirt, with a white hem and soft cotton look, blue jeans and was the only one bare foot.

"Oh, thank you." You stammer. "Very sweet."

"Like you!" Wilford says eagerly.

"Like you and me, together!" Sitch cuts in. He and Will exchange glares.

"Like cake!" And then there's Anti. 

The Darker Side of Things (Darkiplier X Reader X Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now