Chapter 10 || Feckin' Run

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Aye-o just a warning to y'all: I'm not censoring any more swears :/ There's not a lot, but this story has kinda progressed to more of a teen-to-young-adult level, so I thought it appropriate. Well, as appropriate as cursing ever is, I guess.

Mitch circles the area, eyes glued to the ground, hand rubbing his chin in thought. Dark stood off to the side, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Hurry it up, already!"

"It would appear that my brother program cleared history," Mitch mumbles. He clears his throat and spoke up, "Normally, I can trace other's 'electronic footsteps' if you will; clear markings on the ground, indicating their path of direction, as well as other data like height, weight, perspiration, libido levels-"

"We get it, Google-slut," Wilford drawls, "cut to the chase."

"Well, I-"

"Before I chase you."

"Yes, as-"

"And catch you and fillet your flesh for dinner."

Dark whirls around, hands out, clearly ready to strangle Warfstache.

"Ah, ah, ah~" A pistol steadies in Wil's hand, barrel aimed at Dark's face. "Wouldn't try that if I were you, pretty boy."

"Why you-!"

"I've located (Y/n)'s prints," Mitch calls from outside the clearing.

Wilford smirks, waggling his fingers. Dark growls before stalking off to where Mitch stood.

"Let's go."


"So?" Sitch flashes you a grin, eyebrows cocked. Walking aimlessly along the river, you and Sitch partake in some surprisingly normal conversation.

"How long have you known Dark?"

His grin slips, not expecting such a question. He shrugs, and the smile returns.

"A millennia or so."

"Liar," you punch him in the shoulder. His smile widens.

"Guilty as charged," he sends a shock through your arm, cackling when you recoil, rubbing your flesh furiously, trying to rid of the tingling numbness.

"But seriously," you say, reeling him back in, "You all seem so chummy. Like a family."

"Some messed up family," he chuckles. The program pauses a moment. He sighs.

"It wasn't... planned, per se. We just all kinda... fell together." He falters. "Like tossing a bunch a intestines together; we didn' come from the same place, but we got all tangled up and stuck together anyways."

You wrinkle your nose. "Pleasant metaphor."

"Not my strong suit."

"You have a strong suit?"

"My birthday suit~"

"Mm. You didn't know one another before living together?"

"Well, actually," Sitch tilted his head, "it was Dark's idea."

Anti kept running, shivering more and more despite the exercise. The Wanderers were persistent; he felt like he'd been running for hours. Tears gather in the corners of his eyes as he pressed on. Where the fuck were Dark and (Y/n)?

"The first time I saw the real Darkiplier, he was beating the shit out some other demons."

Sitch stood aside, glitching behind (and into) a tree, watching with wide eyes. The demon, moving so fast he was a dark blur, tore apart his attackers with ease. His claws sliced through their flesh like butter, their bodies piling up in thin ribbons.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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