Chapter 4: Remembering The Labyrinth

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A/N Thank you all for the views! Made my day! Sorry I took me a while to update. You know, just busy, but here is Chapter 4! It is mainly about Sarah's flashbacks and memories she had when she ran the Labyrinth and of The Goblin King. Short, but good!

Sarah smiled as she put the photograph of her and James back on her dresser. Sarah had to forget about him for a second to finish her studies. Sarah's eye suddenly wandered over to her Labyrinth book. She remembered that line she always loved to read from it. "Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city. For my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is as great.... You have no power over me." Sarah remembered reading to herself in her bedroom over and over till she knew it from heart.

Then, Sarah remembered when it all came true! That one little phrase she said to her baby brother, Toby. "I wish the goblins would come and take you away. Right now!" Sarah's life completely changed after that. And so did her views of everything else she held dear to her in life, but just didn't know it. Sarah also remembered all of her friends she made in the labyrinth. She remembered Hoggle, who was cowardly, but always stuck by her side when she needed help. He was a special friend Sarah remembered well. She also remembered Ludo and Sir Didymus, who helped her and stuck by her side as well. They admired her and she loved them all.

The one Sarah couldn't seem to forget easily was The Goblin King. He seemed to be cruel and distant to Sarah, but at the same time, gentle and surprisingly to Sarah's thoughts, caring. It wasn't easy for Sarah to dig into his thoughts because of his slightly stubborn attitude, but she did notice something about him that was not incredibly wicked. She suddenly realized that he was doing what she had asked all along. "Everyone, even villains have a soft spot." Sarah knew from when she was a little girl, watching her favorite movies and reading her favorite books. She thought the same thing about Jareth.

She also wondered about what would happen if she had said "yes" to Jareth's offer. What would he actually do or say if she had? What type of things would happen? Sarah figured she probably would have accepted the offer, but fear took over and she was concerned for her baby brother's safety.

Not even realizing it, Sarah really missed her adventures in the labyrinth and missed all of her friends that were there.

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