Chapter 8: Jareth's Visit

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Sarah had just returned back to her room after a long day. She added a touch of more decorations to her windows, walls, and tree. Sarah sat down on her bed and took her Labyrinth book. She held it and thought for a moment.

"What if everything is still the way it was? What if I could see all my old friends again?" Sarah thought aloud. "What if... I could meet the Goblin King again?" She wondered how he was and if her words had really defeated him.

Sarah closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I wish... I wish..." She began. "Listen!" A goblin whispered. "She's going to say the words again!" All of the goblins huddled together. Sarah hesitated. "I wish that the goblin King was here right now!" Sarah finally said with confidence.

Suddenly, the wind blew the windows opened. A gust of what seemed to be glitter came through. Sarah got up, a little startled at first. She saw a little goblin running and crashing into things. "Oh! Hold on there, buddy." Sarah said as she stopped him and helped him out. "Thank you, Miss." Said the little goblin, looking up at her with his cute eyes.

Then, a white barn owl flew flew across the room. It transformed from an owl to the beautiful, elegant fae king. Sarah was shocked as she approached him slowly. "Your Majesty, I..." Jareth quickly stopped her. "Sarah. You know you may call me Jareth. We've known each other for some time now." He smiled at her. Sarah gulped. "Oh. Yes, Jareth, you honestly haven't changed at all since I saw you last." She told him.

Jareth chuckled as he looked her up and down. "My, my. But you have grown very much since we last met, Sarah." He said. The little goblin, who was having trouble accidentally bumped into Sarah's leg. "Oh!" Sarah got startled. Jareth giggled. "That's Fizzywig. He's our new one." He told her. "He's cute." Sarah smiled as she patted him on his little head. Fizzywig's little face lit up red and a big smile grew on his face.

Fizzywig ran back to his mother and the two goblins disappeared into thin air, back to the castle. Jareth turned his attention back to Sarah. "So... about those cursed words I said to you, and about your offer..." Sarah began. Jareth became silent as he slowly nodded for her to continue.
Sarah looked into his eyes. "Did I really defeat you?" She asked.

"You did, Sarah." Jareth told her. "You are capable of more power than you think." He added. Sarah nodded to show she understood. "What happened to you after that?" She asked. "Well, just as you said. I lost my power over you as well as my power of existence." Jareth told her. Sarah gasped in surprise.

"But, I soon regained my power to exist because you and many others believed in me again. I was ruler of the Castle Beyond The Goblin City once again, but I did not regain my power over you. That means that I  have wronged you, Sarah. You were meant to have complete freedom to save your baby brother." Jareth explained.

Sarah was shocked. Was this an apology? "And about the offer... what was it?" She asked. Jareth smiled. "You're dreams, Sarah." He told her. "Im confused. What dreams?" She asked. "There's no pressure in it, Sarah. Just take your time." That was all Jareth told her. Sarah thought for a moment.

"Well you also said that you could give me the things that I want. It has been a while since I've visited the Labyrinth... and seen my friends." She told him. "Would you like to see all of that again?" He asked her with a smile. "Yes. I would really like that." Sarah said to him.

Jareth held out his hand to her. "Come, Sarah." He said as he took her back to the mythical universe.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this one!

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