6) Skydiving Challenge

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"You okay, Tash?" Eggsy asked Tasha that same day. 

"I think so. I guess I'm just feeling nervous." Tasha replied, experiencing that feeling you get that makes you feel like you've got butterflies fluttering around inside your stomach. To explain what was happening: They were taking another Kingsman recruit test, and this one was jumping out of a helicopter thousands of feet in the air. A sort of skydiving test.

"Okay everyone, your exit's coming up." Said Merlin, through the comm units. "Remember, land outside the letter K circle or get caught on the radar and you're out." 

The back hatch of the helicopter opened, revealing the huge open sky below. Everyone except for Tasha, Roxy and Eggsy immediately jumped out. 

"Roxy, what's wrong?" Tasha asked her, as she seemed to not want to leave the helicopter at all.

"Well... I've..." She tried to tell her in between gulping down her fear. "I've been skydiving before, and after that, I developed a fear of heights." 

"Just stop messing around, Roxy! We're gonna help you through this! Just follow us, yeah?" Eggsy tried to reassure her. Roxy reluctantly nodded, and then after taking a few more seconds to brace themselves, the 3 of them jumped out together.

Tasha yelled in fear and exhileration as they soared through the air.

"THIS. IS. AWESOME!" She exclaimed to her teammates. She knew what they were doing was dangerous and could most likely result in death, but it was exhilerating nonetheless.

"Agreed!" Said Eggsy. They caught up with the others quickly.

"Did you really think it was going to be that straightforward? A Kingsman agent needs to learn to solve problems under pressure." Said Merlin again through the comm. "Like what to do when one of your group has no parachute."

"What?!" Shouted Tasha, this time in fear. She tried to open her parachute, but it turns out that she couldn't. She was the one who didn't have one. By the looks of things, Roxy didn't have one either.

"What do we do?!" Roxy asked, also sounding frightened.

"I told you, just head for the circle to stay off the radar. Hopefully I won't have to be scraping any of you up." Replied Merlin. "But if I do have to and you're inside the target, just know I'll be very impressed."

"Everyone listen! I've got an idea! Just everyone grab the person nearest to you!" Eggsy yelled. Tasha reached for the hand of the person nearest to her, which was Eggsy, but when they tried to group up, Rufus pulled his parachute and was left behind in the sky.

"No! We're an odd number now!" Said Eggsy. "Quick, make the circle!" Then, after they'd all grouped up to form a circle, Eggsy added, "Okay we'll pull our cords one at a time, one after the other! Whoever's first, the person on their right grabs them!"

Hugo of them went first.

5 of them left.

Digby pulled his cord next.

4 of them left to go. Roxy screamed in even more fear because of the low altitude.

Charlie pulled his next, and then it was just Eggsy, Tasha and Roxy left.

"Everyone come together!" Said Eggsy, and the 3 of them grouped even closer together. The ground was approaching quickly, and the pressure was REALLY on now. Eggsy pulled his parachute, but the ground was even closer now, and they were moving too quickly towards it because of how late they'd pulled the cord. Roxy and Tasha clung on to him for dear life, and were bracing themselves for impact when they landed on the grass inside the letter K circle with a soft THUD .

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