Prologue (past)

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'Babe, we can't. We can't take care of her, we have to give her away.'
'Why? Why her? Why can't we keep her? You know I always wanted a daughter.'
'So you want to give away our son? He is older.'
'I know, but...'
'He's used to us, we can't give him away anymore. I'm sorry darlin'.' She looked at her 1 week old daughter with tears in her eyes, knowing he was right. She had to give her daughter away and accept the fact she wouldn't see her for a long long time.
She signed the contract with trembling hands. She knew it wasn't fair to give her son away.. The new parents of the little girl thanked them. 'You can say goodbye to her now.' And with that they walked out of the room.
The woman held her little girl for one last time and planted a kiss on her little forehead. .
'Bye beautiful little girl. Mommy loves you and she's gonna miss you. But it won't be forever.'

5 minutes later, the new parents came back in. The tears rolled over the cheeks of the woman when she saw her little girl with her new mother. The idea that her daughter would say 'mom' to another woman broke her heart into millions of pieces.
'Bye,' she whispered.
As if it had to be, the baby girl began to cry when her mother said that. Immediately the new parents held their newest gain.
'We'll take good care of her,' the man said while they walked out of the room. The woman left alone, without a baby in her arms. Without her heart, because that was with the girl.

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First chapter is up!  Let me know what you think!  Oh, English is not my first language so my apologies if it's bad.

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