A Paisley Party part three

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We pulled up to Paisley Park

" oh, wow this place is big!" Said Joanna

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" oh, wow this place is big!" Said Joanna

" oh, wow this place is big!" Said Joanna. " look it's Purple, that means he is home" I said. Joanna laughed . "Why doesn't is surprise me that you know that ?" She said. I paid her no mind because I was at Paisley Park, I was soaking in the moment. " Come on, let's go, don't want to keep your man waiting do you?". At this moment I learned to tune out her little comments, I was here to enjoy that night, but I made a mental note to start teasing her about Maxwell when this was over. I was here to enjoy Prince performing a amazing show , like he always does. We gave

our tickets and was being excorted in by a guard. " Do I still look ok ?" I asked then suddenly realized that I left the door wide open for her to make a smart comment. She opened her mouth and I could tell she was going to say something that was only going to try to get a raise out of me " "Joanna , if you say something smart, I swear you are walking back yourself" I said . " Everything is in place" she said. " Good" I said. " What about me? She asked. " Same" I said. finally we made it in. I paused for a minute to take it all in, I was really at Paisley Park, Prince's place. Suddenly

I felt a pinch on my arm, I turned to see Joanna had pinch me. " Hey!, I said giving her arm a slap," What you do that for?" I said rubbing my arm. " I had to do something to snap you out of it" she said. "Thanks" I said not meaning it. We looked around and saw a sea of people in Purple and white. I noticed that the stage had been set up. A smile came across my face as I knew that Prince would soon be taking the stage. I then noticed that they was handing out apertizers . "What?, no meat ?" Joanna asked . " Prince is a vegetarian" I said. Joanna started to say

something. "Shut up" I said. " What?" asked Joanna. " I know what you was going to say" I said. We tasted the food and it was good. " wow!, these are not bad" she said. I was going to say of course Prince gets the best, but the last thing I wanted to hear was her mouth making another sly comment. The was also serving non- alcoholic drinks." This is good" I said taking a slip." Let me try" she said trying to take my drink. " Hey, Hey hands off , get your own" I said. Joanna pouted. " seriously , your going to pull the pout game" I said. She then threw a sad face at me.

She was worst then a child. " since you brought me here I'll be kind and get you one" I said going to get her one . I returned with a mixer fruit drink similar to mine. "Thanks, girl" she said taking a slip . Just then we heard someone over the speaker say to report to the stage floor. The show was about to start !, we got rid of our drinks and made our way to the stage. I couldn't believe we was in a spot near the front of the stage . I felt the excitement start to build up in me. Then I heard it. The intro to " Take me with you" started to play and the different lights started to come

on. " How y'all feeling tonight" I heard a voice say that could only be Prince, but we didn't see him yet. Joanna was standing next to me , but she might as well been miles away because I was so focus on the stage . The crowd was cheering and clapping. Just then Prince came out and I took in a deep breath . O MY WORD! He was dressed to the 9's in a black suit and black sharp hat to match. Tv and Photos didn't do him justice , and I was in front to take it all in. He went into "take me with you". His band was tight and on point. The people was moving and dancing and I

was moving and dancing along with them. Joanna was too. Prince was smiling and clearly enjoying the audience reaction. Prince started off with his uptempo songs that had us all grooving . Then he went into "let's work" and I swear when he said " I've had my eyes on you" that he was looking right at me, nah, that couldn't be. " Is Prince looking at you?" asked Joanna. " No he probably just looking at someone behind us" I said brushing it off, but as he continued I felt his eyes never leave me, but I keep telling myself he was focused on someone else. "Girl, I think he is looking at you!" Said Joanna.

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