A Paisley Party part fifteen

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Day one (con)

Lora's pov

Day one was mostly showing me around Paisley. Wow this place is big!. I was so thrilled when He showed me the famous studio B. " This Room is my favorite" he said. I looked around and could tell that. " I can tell" I said voicing my thought out loud. Just then we was joined by a fluffball. LuLu came in like she owned the place. Prince picked her up. " OH no you don't, he said, the last time I was in here recording a song, you pushed something and erased what I did".  " She erased a recording?" I asked in shock. " A whole days worth" said Prince shacking his head. " It was a 

hit too" . " Couldn't you record it from memory?" I asked. " Yeah, but it wouldn't have that same emotion like it did that first time" he said showing LuLu out. I was beginning to understand how artists could see things so different. " But, I did want you to hear something I have been working on" he said. He made his way to the soundboard and pushed a button. Soon the room was filled with the  mellow sounds of instruments. Then his voice could be heard softly coming in. I stood there taking it all in. The words and the melody was beautiful. I closed my eyes to take it all in.

I opened my eyes to see a pair of Hazel eyes looking at me with a question " Well did you like it?" he asked. " I don't know about the song LuLu erased but this song is beautiful" I said. A wide grin over took his face. " It's going to be on my next album" he said. "I think you got another hit on your hands" I said. His smile got even bigger. He showed me the rest of paisley park. Then it started to get dark and he suggested a movie. He gently took my hand and lead me to a area that we hadn't been. "Wait, you hadn't already showed me everything?" I asked. " Nope" he said 

smiling like he knew a big secret, always a moment with him. he opened the door and my eyes couldn't believe it. A personal theater!, A very nice personal theater.  with a concession stand, the most plush seats I ever seen, and a huge screen. "PRINCE, THIS IS AMAZING!'" I said in awe.  He just smiled " Would you like some popcorn?, a snack?" he asked. leading us to the concession stand. "Yes to both" I said. He flipped the switch on the popcorn machine.  Suddenly the aroma of fresh popcorn started to fill the theater. My mouth was watering. " Which snack would you 

like Mama?" he asked. Looking at him at that moment I wanted to say" Him" but didn't. The smile he gave me told me that he knew it, nothing gets past him. I looked at the stand of snacks and saw paydays, my favorite. "Payday" I said. " That's one of my favorites too" he said. It was then that something came to me, something I remembered from following stories about him. "Is it true that one of the guys working for you left his payday behind and you ate it?" I asked. "Hey , he just left it there, it's rude to leave a perfectly good payday behind" he said defensively. Just 

then the popcorn was ready. Prince got two popcorn bags and stuffed them with Popcorn and poured butter on it then grab two paydays. "Here you go Mama" he said passing me my popcorn and payday. "Drink?" he asked. I shook my head no. "Most drinks makes me sick if I have them with something buttery like popcorn" I explained. Prince gave me a understanding nod as we made our  way to our seats. "So what's the movie we are watching?" I asked. " Not telling, It's a surprise" he said. That's the thing about Prince, he can be something, but you can't help but love him.

A/N If anyone can drop a comment about what movie Prince and Lora are about to watch that would be great.

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