A Paisley Party Epilogue 2

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One year later.

Lora and Prince have been married a year. Things was great except one thing, they wanted a child and was having a hard time having one. They thought they had came close two times,  but those turned out to be false alarms . Lora was hurt, but Prince took it even harder. She understood that Prince didn't always express his feelings fully, but she wished he would open up to her about it. She was his wife, his partner, if he couldn't open up to her then who?. She saw how his face would light up when ever a child was around, but then she also saw a bit of sadness there too.

When she would ask him if he was ok, he would say that he was, then for the rest of the day keep mostly to himself. It hurt her to see him like this, especially since their friends were having children. They even went to the doctor to find out if something was wrong with either of them, but the doctor found nothing. This only added to their sadness. She felt him starting to pull away, but she wasn't  going to have her marriage go down. So she got even more into other things he loved, one of her new favorites  was Ping Pong, after watching Prince and Rosie have so much

fun she decided to get into it more and she started to get really good. One night she and Prince was playing when they had a disagreement about if the ball was in or out. Lora wouldn't admit that the ball was in, that had made Prince win the game. " Admit it" he said. " Never"  Lora giggled knowing that Prince didn't like to be challenged. This led  to Prince tackling her to the ground and tickling her. " Say it!" he demanded. " No way!" Lora said while laughing through tears. Then suddenly she felt a familiar weight on her leg. He was aroused. It had been weeks since they was intimate and right now both felt hot.

His lips crashed on hers. His smooth hands moving up her legs and smoothly removing the panties and skirt as she was working to get his pants off . She raised up so he  could take her shirt off and unfasten her bra. She then got rid of his shirt." What about the bedroom" Lora asked. " I don't think I can make it , I need you now" he said. Lora was greatful their place had good carpet at that moment. Prince wasn't lying, as she soon felt every inch of him. She clawed his back, trying to control the climax. " I'am Sorry" she whispered. " Don't be, mark me as yours

mama" he said seductively entering her farther.  He licked, sucked, nibbled, caressed and left no inch of her undone, as she did him. They made up for the lost time.  " How I missed being with you like this" Prince said. Lora smiled " Me too" she said taking his lips again. " Hey, now if you want a round two, I'am more then willing to grant that" he said chuckling. Lora playfully slapped his arm. " I'am going to take a shower" she said getting up. " Great, I' ll join you" Prince said getting up." Only if you promise that all we are doing is showering" said Lora. " I make no promises" he replied . Lora  shook her head at herself. She should've known better ... she was married to Prince . It felt good to make love, just to make love. That was kind of lost when they was trying to make a baby.

Two months later.

She didn't know what happened, one minute Lora was at work, the next on the floor. Her co- workers said that she fainted. She was taken to the hospital. Lora was very concerned. After what seemed like a long time the doctor came in. " Mrs. Nelson?" "Yes?" Lora said nervously. The doctor smiled " Congradulations, your pregnant " he said. Lora didn't think she heard him right ." What?" she said softly. " Your pregnant , Mrs. Nelson" he repeated. Just then the door flew open and Prince came running in " Baby are you okay?" he asked worry written all over his face. Lora took a moment then said " Baby, I have to tell you something..."

A/N hope you enjoyed this part of the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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