A Paisley Party part twenty three

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Lora's pov

A few moments later, Prince came in. " Baby what's  wrong?" he asked. Now, I was almost in tears. he meant so much to me.  He gently rubbed my cheek."Baby, you can talk to me" he said in a smooth tone. It was almost scary the way he made me feel. We had only known each other for a short time , but I never wanted to be with someone more like I did him. Those hazel eyes just held me. It also didn't help that he was wearing this look so well and I I wanted to do is lose my fingers in his hair then fall into bed where we would do nothing but have each other in 

all kinds of ways. " Baby, what is it?, tell me" he said realizing that I hadn't said a word yet.  I lightly touched his hand that was still touching my cheek. I slowly made my way to the sofa and sat down, preparing myself to say what had been on my mind for a while. I looked at him and I could see the concern in his eyes, I hoped that look meant that he was invested in this as much as I was. I cleared my throat. " Prince, I think you should know that I'am deeply in love with you". His feet started to move toward me. I held up a " Wait a minute" motion. " But, I go back to work

In two days, these last few days have been amazing, more then I could imagine, but part of me has been wondering where do we go from here, your  history...." he cut me off. " There is nothing with me and Carmen any more, I told you that's not me anymore". He came to me and squat down  taking my hands in his. " Listen to me, he said, I' ve been in many relationships, I haven't always done them right", now he lifted my chin to look at him. " But, I know that I'am in love with you like I haven't been with the others, you see me for me, Prince Rogers Nelson the person not the 

star, which I find amazing since your stated out as a fan". I chuckled and gently touched his cheek, " Supporter" I said softly. " See you even care enough to understand the terms I use" he said smiling. I couldn't help it, I kissed him then. He retuned it with equal passion. Why did his kiss feel like a promise?. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. " I have to tell you something" he said.  I frowned my brows in concerned. " What is it?"  I asked . Suddenly a wide smile came on his face. " I knew the moment we met that I wanted to be with you, so I started to think of 

ways to make that happen"  " What are you saying?" I asked trying my best to contain my excitement.  " I want you here in Minnesota , with me" he said. " But..." I was cut off by him placing his finger to my lips. " Hush, my love, let me finish, I have a job  set up here for you". My eyes went to shock. " You want me to quit my job?" I asked. " Didn't I say let me finish?" he said in a not really stern manner. I zipped up my lip and let him continue. " Like I said, I knew the moment we met that you was the one for me, and now I'am more sure, I wouldn't ask you to 

move here if I wasn't serious, with that said...."  suddenly he was on one knee and my hand went to my chest. " Lora, would you do me the honor of marrying me and being my wife?"  he asked pulling out a beautiful ring.

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The tears started to flow. If it had been anyone else I would have said it was too soon, but I love this man. He wiped the tears from my eyes, " I need an answer mama". I was so happy I wrapped my arms around him and knocking him to the floor and peppering him with kisses all over. He chuckled deeply " I take that's a yes?" he said. I repeatedly said yes while kissing him. Afterwards I asked permission to let Joanna know what was going on because I needed her help to get my stuff in order, he agreed. "Ready to become Mrs. Nelson?" He asked. I lightly tapped him. " I said yes didn't I?". He laughed, " True" he said. I then made my way to the  room I been staying in to call Joanna. I then felt a rub and purr on my leg, it was Lulu. I picked her up and hugged her as the phone rang. Suddenly I heard a " Hello?" from Joanna. " Joanna, I have something to tell you..." I said.

The end.

Let me know if y'all want a epilogue.

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