A Paisley Party part eleven

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Lora Pov

The dinner conversion was flowing. It was great to see this side of him that many didn't get to see . For a long time I heard he was aloof , but it didn't seem this way now sitting across from him and talking. He seemed so... Approachable. He was also very funny, I truly believe that if he wasn't a musician he would have a shot in comedy. More then once he had me almost in danger of spitting up my food from laughing so hard . Nothing more appealing then a man with a good sense of humor . He was so beautiful , even more so when I saw that smile of his come across

his face." So which others of my videos do you know of by hard?" he asked. That was a easy one for me. " Greatest romance ever sold" I said not having to think twice since it was one of my favorite videos by him. " Well maybe we can react that one too at some point" he said in a deep voice and a eyebrow raised. Is Prince flirting ?, my face I was sure turned red, partically with the scenes with him and the leading lady and reacting them. Of course this didn't get pass Prince. "For research purposes of course" he said in a way that totally didn't make me believe him.

" Of course" I agreed not wanting him to know what I really was thinking . The one thing I was starting to realize is that with him, you really had to be on your toes with him. We continued to enjoy the dinner. I also realized something about him, he wasn't much of a drinker at all. We did enjoy a little bit of wine, but for the most part he just slipped a little bit of it. I admired how he cared about his craft in music which included taking care of his health . " Thank you for taking me here, the whole dinning experience is amazing" I said. The smile that I was growing to love more and more returned " I aim to please " he said.

Prince Pov

It had been such a long time since I enjoyed such a great company with a woman. She didn't know it, but she was starting to make me believe that she might be the one. I planned to take these next few days to find out and my place a Paisley was the perfect place to do it. Most stars might be against seeing a fan ( A word that I hate to use), but something told me to give her a chance, this dinner was going great, and I couldn't wait to find out where this could go. I also discover something else , I loved to make her blush, she was just too cute when she did it.

I noticed that blush across her face when I mentioned reactment of my greatest romance video. I quickly made a mental note to spend one of those days doing that with her. It would be a great way to see how she react to me . Oh it felt so good to feel this type of beginning connection with someone. I was sick of relationships not working . I wanted to see where this was headed and if she could be the one I've been looking for all along . If she was I wasn't going to make the same mistake this time, I was going to make sure of that. After dinner, I paid the bill and left a nice tip.

" Ready, Lora?" I asked extending a hand. She nodded and took my hand as we headed out the restaurant . The driver was waiting for us like I told him to. I held the door for Lora to get in then sat next to her. I held her hand on the way back to Paisley Park. We was buzzed in. I walked her into Paisley. Just then my cat approached . I thought she was coming to me but she made her way to Lora and bushed up against her purring." OH, I didn't know you had a cat after Paisley" she said immediately reaching down and rubbing her, scoring another point with me. " I just got her, her name is Lulu" I said.

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