A Paisley Party part five

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Wait, did prince shoot "Diamonds and Pearls" at Paisley Park?. I took a step into the room. Oh WOW!, it was actually like the video. the back and white, patterns on the floor, the Piano in the middle, the lounge sofa where the woman was, everything. I was having a major flash back. I couldn't believe I was standing in a compete replica of one of my favorite videos. Talk about a out of word experience. I took a look around and saw a set of double doors. No way I thought. It couldn't be. I slowly approached the doors and opened it. Sure enough it was. The room Roise and Prince was in

with the children. I could almost envision the little blond boy on the bike or the little girl looking up at prince while he was singing. I looked over and saw the area Roise was at when she had two little girls sitting on her lap. This is wild I thought, is this real?. I left the room and went back to the main room. I didn't see another door in the room. I guess that stage scene in the video was filmed somewhere else. I was kind of happy about that because I wouldn't know how to handle that. I went over to the piano and took a seat. Just to think, this was the black piano that Prince sat at.

Again the images started to play in my head. I wonder where the scene where he was being Chased down the hall by camera men was shot at. because the halls in Paisley Park didn't look like that. I ran my fingers over the keys. Just think his fingers touched these keys. It was then I wished that I could play the piano. I would have started to sing the song. I got up and started to look around again. I had seen the video so many times that I had lost count. I knew the parts by heart. I don't know what came over me, but I started to recreate the dance moves the dancer did in the video.

It might sound crazy, but I was in a room that was the complete replica of Diamonds and Pearls, how could I not. If Joanna was here she probably be laughing at me. Then I went and stood next to the piano and acted out like I was Roise and that Prince was sitting at the piano playing. I started to sing her part " Let love decide" I belted out like I was backing Prince up on the song. " All I can do is offer you my love". Then I went and stood in place like I was Diamond or Pearl. Then I acted Like the woman in white looking swimsuit on the lounge sofa and Prince...

I got up, Didn't need my mind going there. I always thought the video was one of his most beautiful videos. Now, being here I had no doubt. I wondered how many knew that the video might have been shot here. I went back into the other room. Again I smile at the image of the children around Prince." You and me color blind" I sang as Rosie's part. I decided to then head back to the main room, before someone noticed I was here. This room was a a real treasure to find. I just wished I had been allowed to bring a camera so I could capture this moment.

I decided to give into one last dance before heading back to join the others. As the song played in my head I started to dance . " if I could I would give your the world, all I can do is offer you my love". I continued to dance. If was if the song was really being played it was so clear. Little did I know why . Then suddenly it stopped like it was a record and someone had stopped the record player. I felt the atmosphere change and I froze at the sudden shift in the environment . Then I heard it, that all familiar deep baritone voice that filled my ears many times, " Having fun, little mama?" I heard him say.....

A Paisley PartyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora