A Paisley Party part fourteen

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Lora's Pov

Day one

I couldn't believe it. Me, Roise, and Prince was sitting and talking. I could tell that the two where close by the way they picked on each other. She even called him skipper and he didn't seem to mind. So, I know he must of really felt close to her. "Lora, did you know that Roise here is  pretty good at ping pong?" he said matter of factly. "Good?,  I beat you the last two times we played" she huffed. Then turned to me. "Don't mind him, he just can't admit when I beat him at anything, you would think a man that can write and play all those instruments could handle not

Not being the best at something all the time". I couldn't help but giggle at her comment. " Well why don't we just see about that right now?"  asked Prince getting up.  " Do you know how to play?"  he asked me. I shook my head no honestly." Well you can come watch me as I regain my win" he said. "We will see about that" said Roise. We made our way to a room that I had not been to before. A game room.  where he had Pool tables, ping pong tables,  bowling, you name it. I had a feeling that this was one of his favorite rooms. As they set up Prince pointed to a chair 

where I could sit and watch. I watched as Roise and Prince went back and forth playing Ping Pong and I must admit it was entertaining to watch. Both was very good and giving each other their best shot. I was torn for who I should want to win, so I just decided to enjoy the game and who ever wins, wins. In the end it was two and two for as rounds of games and both decided to let it be. "You are good" I said to Roise. She smiled " Thank you dear". " And who do you think thought her how to become so good?" asked Prince stepping in. " Like I said, he can't handle it" 

Roise said to me. We both laughed. " Whats this?, two women gaining up on the one guy?" he asked. "oh hush, how do you think I feel when I come around and It's you , me, Andre, Morris, and Tony hanging out, I look forward to when sheila or Jill is able to join us, so it's just just yall knuckle heads" she says.  Prince fakes being hurt by the comment.  " See what I put up with?" says Roise. " Now don't you try to give her a negative impression of me" he said. " Now why would I do that, when you are doing so well by your self" said Roise smiling. Prince then turned

to me. " Sorry about this Lora, but me and her been going back and forth like this since I don't know when, like brother and sister" he said. I smiled " I think it's great the bond you two have" I said. " Yeah, but sometimes I don't know why I put up with his butt", Roise said " I'll catch you later" she said to Prince, then turned to give me a hug" It was nice meeting you" she said. "You too" I said. "Don't blow it" she said to Prince as she made her way out. Prince showed her out. When Prince came back he saw me looking at the pool table. " Do you play?" he asked. " No, but

I always wanted to learn" I said. "Well, let's fix that right now" he said extending his hand to me. I took his hand as he lead me to the Pool table. He handed me a pool stick and got me into the right position. I could smell the lavender. "Calm down Lora" I told myself. But he smelled so good and I feel my thoughts starting to play in my mind, thoughts about other ways to handle this pool table which I hoped wasn't telling on me right now as I felt his hands on my waist. "Ok, hold it right there, now, hit the ball" he said almost whispering in my ear. I hit the ball knocking three balls into the hole." Not bad Mama " he said smiling.

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