A Paisley Party part twenty one

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Lora's pov

Carmen turned around and looked at me. " Who is she?" she said with a nasty tone to her voice. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. What did I do to her for her to have such a attitude with me?.  I hadn't even said a word to her. " Prince " I said looking at him as to what to do about this situation because right now I was not liking the vibe I was getting from her. Carmen turned and looked at Prince. " So is this your new play thing?" she asked with her painted nails tapping her sides. she then turned to me. " What are you?' Some type of singer?', did he promise  you a 

album?  all the while sleeping with you?"  she asked. I looked at Prince and saw his anger rise. "First of all Carmen, she is not a singer, second of all, Its not any of your business who I'am with ". I was glad he was saying something, but was also wondering what this was all about. Then Carmen started to fill me in. " Well, it's a good thing that your not a singer , because it  seems the relationship is all good while he is helping you make a album, all the while having you in his bed, but then when the album is done, then suddenly his is done with you"  she said looking at Prince.

" That's enough Carmen" Prince said, his hazel eyes changing color. " That's enough?' said Carmen turning and looking at me," For months we was involved , him making me believe that what we had was something , then one day I come into the studio, and what do I see?', him working with some woman, his hands all on her,  then when I confront him he acts like nothing is happening between them. Me wanting it to work believe him, then when my album dropped  he suddenly dropped me and I find out that he is seeing the woman I saw in the studio!"  she said 

now turning to Prince.  "What happened with her?, you dropped her after her album too?"  "That's it" said Prince grabbing her arm and pulling her to the side. " Let go!" said Carmen."You have no right coming her Carmen" he said. " Why?, you practically had me thinking this place was like my second home" she said." It's over" said Prince in a strong deep voice . Carmen laughed moving closer to him " What about those times... in the studio" she said reaching  to touch him. Prince backed up. " You need to go Carmen" he said .  " Alright , she said , but then

turned to me , " You really believe you have something with him?, yeah, so did I". Then she walked out. All of a sudden I felt overwhelmed, tears filled my eyes. Could I really be wrong about us?. I was falling for him, I didn't want to end up hurt. " Baby?"  he said reaching for me. I backed away. " Don't do this mama" he said. " Is it true?" I asked . " Yes, but that's not who I'am today" he said . He reached for me again " I need you" he said. Again I backed up. " Prince, I just need time, I think It's best if I just stayed at a hotel while I figure this out" I said as I made my way back upstairs to get my things and call for a ride.

Prince's pov

I watched her go up stairs. I was beyond mad that this was happening. I had finally found someone that I could see myself building a family with and this happens. That was then this is now. I was falling for her more and more. I needed her. I couldn't let it end this way. I had to get through to her somehow, I just had to figure out how to do that . After a few minutes she came down with her bags and I heard a horn honk. " Goodbye Prince" she said. " Lora?"  I said. She turned around. " We have something, don't think I'am going to give up so easily" I said . She gave a slight understanding nod. " Goodbye, Prince" she said as she walked out. My mission was clear, to get her back.

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