A Paisley Party part ten

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Lora's Pov

I couldn't  believe the restaurant when we entered it

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I couldn't believe the restaurant when we entered it. I don't know why I was so surprise that this was a very nice restaurant because this was Prince, who was known to have great taste in things. Prince gave our names to the man in front . " Right this way sir" he said leading the way.Prince took my hand as the man excorted us to our table. "Enjoy" said the man. " Thank you" both Prince and I say at the same time. I noticed that he smiled when that happened and I can't help but smile also. Prince pulls out the chair for me and I smooth down my dress before sitting down.

He then takes his seat. I can't help but once again notice how good he looked in the red suit. I think I found my favorite color on him." This place is beautiful" I said looking up at the chandeliers. " A friend introduced me to this place" he said " At first I hesitated to come here because it's hard being a vegetarian and finding a place with good vegetarian food, but this place has some of the best I've eaten " . " That's something I always wondered when I heard you was a vegetarian, is it hard to do?" I asked. " It is a process" he admitted " I'am a brother , so

to give up fried chicken... He paused and I could see that he still kind of missed it. I found the honest look a little endearing . " but I was able to do it" he continued. I nodded in understanding " Being a vegetarian must not only help with your health, but for engery to be able to perform" I said. This causes Prince to give me one of those famous smiles of his." That is an advantage" he said. I smile back. I hated to change subject ,but I just had to ask something that was on my mind. " I have to ask , why chose me to spend a few days at Paisley?" I asked.

A wide smile came across his face. " I just saw you and I felt a connection, and I wanted to see where this could go, the days at Paisley is to explore that" he said. I mentally had to stop myself from my jaw dropping. I had got Prince's attention?. This was unbelievable. " But there are so many other women that.... I started " And I've been down that road, I'am looking for something more" he said. I had no words, I was still in unbelievable mode. Thankfully Prince asked me more questions about what it was like working with the children. I could tell that children ment

a lot to him. I talked a little more about my days with the children when the waiter showed up to take our orders. Prince ordered a vegetarian soup then asked me what would I like." It 's not going to bother you if I don't order something vegetarian?" I asked. This causes him to laugh. "No, mama, I want you to be yourself, It won't bother me" he said. " In that case I have the steak and potatoes" I said. " Good choice , ma'am " said the waiter taking our orders and walking away. Me and Prince continued to talk until our orders came. When the waiter sat our

plates down I took a look at my plate. Everything looked so delicious and I repeated my thoughts to him. " I want to test something" said Prince. He then took a spoon, dipped it in his soup and offered for me to taste it, holding it to my mouth. Was this really happening?. I blew on the hot soup and tasted it. " Oh, wow!, that's really good" I said holding my hand to my mouth. " Told you" he said smiling. " Well, I still have a long way before I would become a vegetarian" I said. Prince laughed, " I'am not trying to get you to mama, I just wanted you to try some good soup"he said. " I don't know about that, you did have a habit of changing people's name" I said.Now , he was really laughing.

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