Chapter 21

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Ella's POV

"Can we leave now", Keaton whined

"Sure". Danielle sighed

Henry and I were behind them listening to them bicker

"So, what should we make for supper", he asks me

"Lets just order sushi. Then make brownies", I smile

"Okay", he smiles back

We continued to listen to Danielle and Keaton bicker.  Henry's fingers brushed up against mine, then they did it again.  Soon he was holding my hand. 

"Smooth move hotshot", I commented

"Oh. Do you want me to remove it", he asked loosening his grip

"I never said that", I say and tighten my grip so he couldn't leave

As we get to the car, we put our bags in the trunk. We hop back to our seats and drive away.  The whole ride was silent. Henry and I were holding hands, while Keaton was joking around with Danielle

"Bye you two love birds", Danielle called out to us

"Bye Hun", Keaton said to Danielle as he got in his car

We waved back with our bags in our hands

"Let's get started. You order the sushi and I'll make the brownies", Henry states

I roll my eyes and walk in after he opens the door. I take my bags upstairs and change into some black sweats and a t-shirt. 

I ordered the sushi and rice. I then went downstairs to watch Henry make the brownies

"You are failing", I laugh

He is currently squinting at the box with directions, with chocolate batter on him. He looks up at me. He has batter on his glasses

I burst out laughing

"Are you making fun of me", he asked

"No", I said through laughs

"Maybe you can help me", he grins and runs over to me

"No. Don't", I giggle and run away from him

He's on one side of the island, and I'm on the other. He tried to catch me but fails, until he tricks me and I land into his arms

"No. This is a clean shirt", I laugh

 "Not anymore", he laughs menacingly

I take some of the batter and rub it on his mouth

He gasps

"You got a little something on your neck", he says and rubs batter on my neck

"OMG that's cold, get it off", I shriek

"Fine. If you insist", he smirks

Before I can process any emotions. He starts licking the batter off my neck. Like any normal human being, I moaned

"Fuck", I whispered

"Maybe later", he said after he finished licking my neck

"Let me get the stuff off your face", I smile

I take a paper towel and wipe it off

"Wow", he says offended

"I'm just kidding. Come here", I smiled

I crashed my lips onto his and he responds by returning the favor. He lifts me up on the island and I wrap my arms around his neck, I flip his black baseball cap off and run my hands through his hair. He put his hands around my waist.  I finally pull away

"We got to clean this shit up", I say and push him slightly away

I jump down and peck his lips.

He puts the brownies in and we clean up the island as the door bell rings

"Sushi bitch", I scream as I run upstairs to change

He puts his hat on, adjusts his glasses, and laughs while he opens the door

Loving the Nerd (Reversed Roles) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now