Klance- Fear of Water

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Keith and Lance were stuck on an unknown planet, they had no idea where they were, where their team was, or if their team was going to find them before they died from starvation. Keith was hesitant to exit his lion as he had no idea if the planet had breathable air, but he figured he would be fine as long as he kept his helmet on. 

With that thought, the red lion's jaws opened allowing Keith to observe his surroundings. This planet was a lot like earth, it had what Keith was assuming was water, and plant life that resembled that of earth. So, he figured starvation was out of the question as they would probably find some edible fruits or nuts somewhere. In his silent observant mode he had forgotten all about Lance, who was standing right beside him without his knowledge. 

"Pretty neat, huh?" Lance chimed in rather loudly.

"GAH," Keith flinched as Lance's voice startled him out of his daze, "Don't scare me like that Lance!... But yeah, this is a pretty neat planet since it resembles earth. " 

Lance continued to look around, his eyes caught the large body of water that was partially hidden behind some vegetation. He wasn't sure how he had missed it before, he was probably too focused on trying to scare Keith. A smile formed on his face as he bumped Keith's shoulder with his, pointing to the shimmering water that reflected off the planet's many suns. 

"What? Do you want to see it?" Keith questioned curiously. After all it was just water, he didn't understand what was so amazing about it. 

"Yea, let's go there!" Lance shouted whilst dragging Keith behind him by his bicep, Keith barely managed to stop himself from falling flat on his face and started to trot to the said place. 

While Lance seemed ecstatic about looking at the water, Keith was not so amused. Keith had a fear of water, it originated from when the bullies at his high school used to drag him to the pool by his hair and hold him underwater. Sometimes he would imagine dying in that pool, being held under by some assholes that pushed him around because he was gay. He would struggle and flail in the water, most of the time he would accidentally breathe it in while trying to shout for someone, anyone to help him. But, the occurrences stopped when one day the boys were busted by the swim coach and expelled. 

Keith couldn't swim either so that didn't help matters much.

"Keith?....Keith!....KEITH!" Lance shouted as he waved his hand in front of his face, trying to get the raven haired boy's attention. 

"Huh? What? Sorry I was thinking.." Keith muttered while shaking his head, somehow trying to shake out the memories that still haunted him to this day. 

"Whatever mullet-man, we're here...isn't it gorgeous?" He questioned as he gazed into the distance, probably recalling some memories that were hopefully happier than Keith's.

A smirk grew onto Lance's face as he took a deep breath and removed his helmet, letting his lungs take in the fresh air that surrounded them. He then began removing his armor and his bodysuit, all the way down to his boxers.

"Lance, what the hell are you doing?" Keith asked as he was desperately trying to wrap his head around the fact that Lance, his kind of crush (mostly because he wasn't sure what Lance was really like without trying to be an asshole or a flirt), was stripping right in front of him. A blush spread across his face as he looked away, trying and failing to think of anything but Lance's body. 

"Going for a swim", he replied nonchalantly, "You comin'?"

The flashbacks began to unwillingly replay in his head of him gasping for air in the cold water of the school's pool.

"Uh, n-no thanks." Keith said, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice.

"What? Is the mighty mullet-man scared of a little water?" A smirk grew on Lance's face as his stepped back a bit and ran, leaping into the water with no grace at all. Keith would've laughed if he hadn't been staring at his irrational fear. He then removed his helmet and his armor as well, leaving him in his black bodysuit that was underneath

".....maybe..." Keith admitted in a low voice that Lance didn't quite catch because he had just appeared above water and was shaking his hair like a dog. 

Lance swam to the shore and walked back up on the beach area, he was dripping wet so Keith tried to keep his distance, but his efforts were failed as Lance yanked his wrist towards the water and jumped in with him in tow. The water didn't gradually get deeper like a beach though, it was sandy and as soon as you got about two feet in the water depth increased drastically, much deeper than what Keith could touch with his toes. Panic ensued Keith's body and he tried to breathe but water was blocking his air way.  He flailed around as the memories ran through his head one by one, slowly taunting him as his vision went blurry. He then felt a strong pair of arms grab him around the waist and hold him against their chest above water. Assuming it was Lance, Keith latched onto Lance, trying to take proper breaths and cough out the water in his lungs. 

"Keith? Are you okay? Talk to me buddy." Lance frantically tried to get Keith's attention, Keith was calming down but his grip on Lance's shoulders was still extremely tight. His eyes were open wide, as he regained his composure. 

"It's okay Keith, I've got you." he cooed as he swam best he could back to shore and heaved him up onto the sand before climbing up onto land himself. It was a little difficult as Keith refused to let go of his shoulders, but Lance managed. 

He then gently began to remove Keith's hands from his shoulders and take them into his own, rubbing small circles into his palms.

"Keith? I'm so sorry..I wasn't thinking and I just assumed you could swim because everyone I knew back on earth could swim and I lived by the beach, so swimming was like walking for me," he explained, "If you don't mind me asking, are you afraid of water?"

Keith took a deep breath and relaxed as Lances hand massage was currently making his drowsy after all that struggling. 

"Yea, and it's fine. Really it is, I need to get over it anyway." He said quietly.

Lance still had a look of concern plastered on his face as he rolled Keith's sleeves up slightly to massage further up Keith's arms. By this time Keith's eyes began to droop as he lead his head fall forward onto Lance's shoulder. (A/N: Just think of Lance sitting in front of Keith within close enough proximity that Keith's head can comfortably rest on Lance's shoulder.) 

"You can tell me anything Keith, I'm always here for you an-" he abruptly stopped when small snores began to emit from Keith's now sleeping form. Lance smiled slightly and sighed, stopping his massage to pick Keith up bridle style. He then began the journey back to their lions, making his way into the cockpit of the blue lion and sitting down in the pilot's seat with Keith curled against his chest. 

Lance would have to get that reason out of Keith later, but now Keith needed to rest and so did he. He then placed a soft kiss on the top of Keith's head before he started to fall asleep himself, just listening to the sound of Keith's breathing coaxing him into a much needed nap. 

A/N: Hey guys! This is my first story so it might not be as good as you hope, but I'll probably learn things and maybe get better as time goes on. I might do a part two to this (probably not) but idk let me know if there's any editing or story ideas that you have for me! I'll have another one-shot up hopefully soon, Thanks for reading! :) ~~~Kayla

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