Shance- Massages

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(A/N: This is a non-space au?? Basically where Lance, Shiro, Keith, Hunk, and Pidge aren't paladins and they don't go to space.. Enjoy! Also the cover art isn't mine and will never be mine lmao)

Shiro had never been so tired and so disappointed in his life, he had just gotten home from a "friendly chat" with his boss after work. Needless to say that the whole "friendly chat" thing was a complete and utter lie, and that Shiro actually wasn't getting his raise that his boss had promised him weeks ago. All the late hours at the restaurant meant nothing, all his hard work and dedication to making money to pay rent with his friends was useless. 

So, when he walked in the door of his shared house, everyone took notice to how beaten down and worn out he was. He tossed his keys in the key bowl and practically threw his bag down onto the carpeted flooring. Lance was in the kitchen trying to prepare dinner (which ultimately turned out to be leftovers from Hunk's unbelievably amazing cooking), when he went wide eyed at how overall sad Shiro looked. Usually he would always come home with a smile, he would gently set his bag on the couch and take off his shoes, coat, and neck tie. Then he would make his way over to the dinning room table and sit across from Pidge, who was always typing away at her computer, eyes glued to the screen. Hunk would glance at Shiro from over the shoulder in the midst of his clean up process to ask Shiro how his day was, it was always the same responce.

"It went pretty well."

But, this time was different.

After tossing his things on the ground, Shiro tromped off to his bedroom to take a shower, not saying a word to anyone. Lance was more than a little concerned for the man, as he never came home and gave everyone the silent treatment. So he hurriedly threw the contents of the groups "dinner" on the table for Pidge, Hunk, and Keith to grab at, and made his way to Shiro's room. 

"Hey," Lance began as he slightly pushed open the door to the older man's room, "rough day?"

Shiro audibly sighed from his place on the edge of the bed before nodding his head and running his fingers through his sweaty hair. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Lance made his way over to the side of Shiro's queen sized bed and sat beside him, letting their shoulders brush slightly. Shiro found this contact comforting and leaned into it a little more, leaning his head on the shorter male's shoulder despite being distinctly taller than him. 

"What happened?" Lance questioned before slipping his arm behind Shiro's back as he began to draw small circles, squares, and triangles with his finger pads. 

"My boss denied me my raise that he promised me, it's like he wants me to suffer or something." He mumbled as he sunk into Lance's touch even more.

"Aw, Shiro I'm so sorry, I know how hard you worked for that raise." Lance kept his voice low so that he wouldn't stress Shiro out, he only hoped to keep him relaxed so he would eventually fall into a much needed slumber. 

Then, Lance got an idea, he removed his arm from Shiro's back, turned towards him and pushed him down onto the bed. Telling him to turn onto his stomach as he began to crack his knuckles (simply for affect, cracking knuckles before giving a massage was typically not needed). 

"Take off your shirt." He said simply.

"Wh-What?" The blush on Shiro's cheeks was spreading to his neck as he pushed up off the bed and unbuttoned his dress shirt, taking off his tie in record breaking speed. He wanted whatever Lance was about to give him, and he wanted it right then and there.

"Good. Now lay down on your stomach and just relax for me, okay?" Lance began to trace the muscles of Shiro's back, running his fingertips up and down his spine and around to trace his shoulder blades and neck. He then started back at the base of Shiro's neck and added pressure with the meaty part of his palms, slowly kneading into his neck and down to his shoulders. 

Shiro was in heaven, absolute heaven. Floating on cloud nine surrounded by pure bliss. Lance's hands were like magic on his soar and tense back. He let out a whimper when Lance pressed his thumbs into his lower back and pushed them up to follow the pattern of his spine. Every dip and curve in his back was caressed as Shiro's eyelids began to droop.

When Lance had finished his massage that lasted a good 15-20 minutes, he settled on laying right beside Shiro and softly scratching his back and arms. Until he too fell prey to the darkness succumbing him.


"What do you think they're doing in there?" Hunk asked no one in particular while he chewed his rice and beans.

"Probably having post-work sex or something." Pidge announced as she finally hit the red X in the corner of the screen and shut her laptop, the blue light no longer illuminating her features.

Kieth barked out a laugh as contents of the sandwich he was eating fell out of his mouth , he was quick to catch them with a napkin though. Soon enough, all three of them were laughing hysterically at Keith's sandwich vomit and the "post-work sex" that was probably going on as they spoke.

A/N: Hey guys! This ones kinda short, I know, but it's kinda late and I'm super fucking tired. I hope you guys still enjoy the story though, and I'll see you in the next update. Bye! :) ~ Kayla

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