Fun- Keith x Male Reader

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(Hey guys! I don't normally do things like this, but this was requested and it took me a while to come up with the plot lmao. So now that I actually have a plot I figured I should write the story as soon as possible while it's still fresh in my memory, so that's why this update is a little early. This is going to have mentions of sex, but none will be described in the story (no sexy time, sorry), so thanks for reading !)

Lance always thought it would be a blast to bring Keith on a double date with him.

Keith, however, did not like that idea in the slightest, he would probably set him up with some annoying boy who would only want to get in his pants. He wasn't really familiar with the whole idea of a date anyway, so why go on one (much less with Lance). But, Lance threatened to throw out his stuffed hippo that he had ever since he was a child if he didn't do this, so he very unhappily agreed. 

Lance's date was a girl named Olivia, she was peppy and sweet with brown hair, freckles, and brown eyes. She was smiling all the damn time and that annoyed Keith to the farthest extent, like, who could be happy all the time? That was not possible in his book, but Lance seemed to like her a lot, and being Lance's best friend he wasn't supposed to criticize the people he dated. 

Keith had no idea who he was supposed to be with, he didn't even know what they were doing on this "date". Olivia would probably recommend some peppy carbon-copy of her, and Keith would have to deal with her for the rest of the night, not to mention he wasn't even into girls in the first place. Lance was a very spontaneous guy so he had no idea what to expect from him. 

So when the end of the school day rolled around and Lance texted him the details of the date, let's just say that Keith got a little nervous, and that he had so many questions. 

Like, for instance, why were they taking their dates in separate cars when they could all just ride together? And why on earth were they going to the dead end on Rover Street? What were they going to do there? 

Well, Keith would just have to find out at 7:00 pm. 

(Y/N)'s POV~~~( Not going to be in the "I, me, my" sort of format but from the male reader's part of the story I guess, I'm not good at this)

He was going to burn Olivia alive.  

Olivia had set him up on a date with Kieth Kogane.  He was the most hardcore, badass, and not to mention HOT AS FUCK boy in their school. He would chew (y/n) up and spit him out, for sure. Apparently Keith and Lance were going on a double date and Olivia, being Lance's date, suggested (y/n) as a possible companion for Keith. However, he was nothing like Olivia, so if Keith liked guys like that, he was out of luck. Because (y/n) was a pretty mellow guy, he wasn't into people very much and he didn't like those who screeched at the top of their lungs every time they found something remotely exciting (Olivia in a nutshell) but he made an exception for her because she was the only one who stuck around when he came out as gay. So they had been friends for a very long time and she thought this was a grand idea. 

The date was at 7:00pm and (y/n) was freaking out, he didn't know what to wear and much less what he should even say. "Hi I'm your surprise date and I think you're super hot" didn't sound all that great. 

"Come on (y/n), you look fine!" Olivia protested as she tried to drag him away from his bedroom mirror. 

(Y/N) was wearing a dark green t-shirt, black skinny jeans with rips at the knees, and his favorite navy blue jacket with pins and patches of his choosing on it. He was still messing with his hair because he really didn't know how to look for Keith, he was arguably one of the hottest boys in school and (y/n) was going to impress him if his life depended on it. 

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