Adoption- Klance (ish) PART 1

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(A/N: Hey guys, I just got done with like 2 hours of homework so I'm like super tired and burned out but I haven't updated this book in a while and I wanted to do something other than cuddle-y mushy lovey stuff. So I decided on an adoption AU,, this one isn't going to have very much klance in it as it will be from the kid's perspective,, but I think it'll be okay for now. Thanks for reading !)

Our story begins with a 15 year old girl named Tony, she has brown hair and brown eyes with olive toned skin and acne prone skin, just like any teenager. 

Tony always thought there was something wrong with her. 

She never got adopted when the families came to observe the children to see which one they liked best, she never had friends as all of the ones she had made had been taken long ago, and she was never even given a second glance by anyone who came into the rag-tag adoption center. The girls would pick on her because she was so plain looking, and because she never got picked no matter how long she stayed or how hard she worked. People said she looked like a trouble maker because she had no friends and because she was a quiet and lonely child, if she was quiet like that then there had to be something wrong with her, right? Back then, she was looking for someone.. anyone to notice her and take her in, but after 13 years of people not noticing her or taking her in, she decided to go her own way.

 If they wanted a trouble maker then that was exactly what they were going to get.

She began not showing up for the required meals and being generally stubborn whenever she could. It's not like it came as a surprise to anyone, and no one took any notice to it.

Until one day 3 of the kids her age got tired of it, so they decided to drag her to the cleaning supply closet during dinner (which she never showed up to anyway, so no one took notice of her absence), tie her wrist and ankles together, and beat her until she was unconscious. One of the staff members came across Tony's beaten and bruised body about 24 hours later, as she passed out during the horrible experience, and rushed her to the hospital. 

Three fractured ribs, a broken nose, a broken arm, and a noticeably large gash going from the top of her eyebrow down to her jawline.

Tony was transferred to another adoption home in New York, kind of close to the city, so that made it easier for her to sneak out and walk with the crowd. She loved the city, as long as she kept her hair in front of her face and her hat on, no one noticed her. She finally felt like she could blend in and fit in, after all the looks and questions she got sometimes on a daily bases by curious children or parents, she got tired of the attention. So she would sneak out as often as she could, just to feel like she belonged.

Thursday, November 17, 2017

Everything was a disaster.

Keith was struggling to fix his hair and pre-order his coffee at the same time, the dog was running loose in the small living room, barking at literally nothing and wagging his tail whenever Keith or Lance would rush by. They were both in a hurry as they were currently late for their appointment at the adoption home, they had scheduled a meeting a couple weeks ago with the children that were residing there. Lance was currently trying to pick out an outfit for the occasion that him and his husband had been waiting for. 

They were going to adopt a child today. 

So they fixed their hair and ordered their coffee and quieted their barking German Sheppard with a treat and slipped out the door.

You would think an adoption center would be nice and neat and welcoming, seeing as the children and the staff wanted to impress the people who were going to be taking one of the kids from the disaster of a place. But oh no. Mayhem. That was the only word to describe it, everyone was running around and screaming and having arguments about who needed the bathroom mirror more. As soon as Keith and Lance had announced their presence, the staff yelled for all the children to quiet down, and they did just that. So it seemed all the children were well behaved, that was a plus, and they were all staring at Lance and Keith like they were the most boring things in the world. When you see parents come in and out almost daily and still have to stay in the same place you'd been in since you were brought here, every face that comes in and out becomes like nothing. 

Especially to Tony.

Currently she was running back to the adoption home, the "center", she called it. Tony knew there was a meeting today with some couple that had scheduled an appointment and even though she knew she wouldn't get picked, she still wanted to at least see who did. She finally arrived by the side window, opening it and slipping inside seemingly unnoticed. Until she turned around from shutting the window and saw that everyone was staring at her in a very hostile manner. She slowly looked at everyone's faces as she took in how embarrassing this must've been for the staff that were putting their heads in their hands. 

Lance and Keith however, found this quite amusing. They looked at each other and then looked at the girl, who gave them a nervous smile and then ran for the stairs. 

"Wait! Hey kid!" Keith called as he took a few steps past the other children and towards the stairs where the girl was currently mid step.

"What." She said in a rather annoyed tone, assuming they were going to ask about her scar or something like that.

"Um- well.. we would like to speak to you if that's alright." Keith gave a glance to his husband who nodded in approval. They wanted to see what this girl's story was.

"You.. want to talk to me? Why?" Tony was genuinely confused, she had never even been noticed by parents who came in, much less did they want to speak to her. They always just asked about her scar and then when she told them some lie about how she was in a car crash they just said "oh" and continued on to observe the little ones. 

"Just to get to know you, that's all." Lance gave a warm smile to Tony who was now looking at the couple with a somewhat nervous expression as she slowly descended from the stairs.

"Uh.. o-okay." Tony followed the couple and a staff member to a room where the children and parents usually talked and laughed and made promise of return. This was a concept Tony had never known, she had never gotten close to anyone after the incident. Even though it was two years ago, the scar was still as bold and ugly as ever, and it was a constant reminder of who she was and who everyone thought she was.

After everyone was settled in and Lance assuring the staff member that her presence was no longer needed, and the woman giving her a 'don't you dare mess this up' glare, the talking began. 

"So, tell us about yourself, kid." Keith began as he interlocked his fingers in his lap and looked at the girl intently. It was only now that he had taken notice to the gash that ran along the right side of her face. 


A/N: HA cliffhanger bitches,, not really I'm just waayyyyy to tired to write the other part of this and attach it onto this one right now. So I'll update with Part 2 when I can (which will probably be sometime this weekend or next) and we'll see how Keith and Lance react to Tony's life story.  btw I have no idea how a real adoption process works so I just kind of made this up in my head so I apologize that this is way off from what normally happens. Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Enjoy your weekend! ~ Kayla

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