Adoption- Klance(ish) PART 2

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(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to update this after I said I was going to do it last weekend, but here's part two! After this I might do some angsty shit, or maybe some funny headcanons. You guys can comment which one you want, or leave it up to me. Either way, you'll have a new chapter next weekend. See ya!)


Keith and Lance sat there patiently, Keith had spotted the scar going across  the side of her face and had gotten curious. Now he was wondering whether he had overstepped his boundaries. 

"Um, I've been an orphan all my life. Not exactly winning any popularity contests though," she pointed to her scar and moved her hair behind her hair for a better visual, "My name is Tony Scatren, I'm 15 years old, an only child as far as I know, and I like dogs."

Tony wasn't exactly sure of what she should say next, so she moved her hair back in front of her scar and sat in silence, waiting for someone to say something.

Lance spoke up first, "Okay Tony, is it okay if I ask you a couple of questions?"


"Okay, first off, did the other kids do that to you?" He asked, pointing to her face.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and began to play with her hands, "uh.. yea, yea they did. But, I was moved to a different orphanage so.."

"Alright, I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm sure you didn't deserve that, Tony."

"You'd be surprised..." she mumbled under her breath. Lance heard her mumble something, but decided to let it slide.

"Next question," he gestured to his husband and then back to himself, "does this bother you?"

Tony raised an eyebrow and tilted her head in confusion, "What? You guys being together?"

Lance nodded.

Then, Tony busted out laughing. Her shoulders shook and her voice carried through the room like a summer breeze, it was a strangely nice laugh, and it made Lance laugh too. Keith however, was waiting in anticipation to hear her reaction in her own words, he didn't quite understand why everyone was laughing so much. 

"Oh gosh no, after 15 years of being passed up for any other kid that was available, you kind of learn to appreciate who does want you. Or at least who comes through and gets your hopes up. I don't have a problem with it if you don't have a problem with my scar." She smiled at them, she really felt like she could trust these people despite the fact that she had only been with them for a good ten minutes. If these people passed her up like all the others, she might just not be able to cope.

She didn't want them to feel pressured to pick her, so she added something, "I mean, hey, even if you don't choose me, I'll still be grateful that you gave me a chance."

Lance and Keith exchanged glances. They really did like this kid, she seemed like a good person, and it was a shame that she went through the things she did. Lance looked at the raven haired man next to him and gave him puppy dog eyes as if to say 'please?'. His husband smiled at him and chuckled, then looked back at Tony, who had a pleading expression in her eyes and a hopeful look on her face. 

"One more thing, before tell you our decision," he got up out of his chair and approached Tony slowly, then knelt in front of her and brushed the hair out of her eye and behind her ear again, "you are beautiful just the way you are, and don't ever think that a silly scar would change the fact that we would love you for you." Keith smiled at her and tears welled up in her eyes, but didn't fall. 

"No one has ever said that to me before.." she laughed and looked at him with her chocolate eyes and whispered a thank you. When Keith began to remove his hand from her face, she frantically grabbed his hand and held it to her face while she closed her eyes. Tony was afraid that if she opened them, these two people who had been the first to care about her would disappear, and the acceptance she felt would be gone as quick as it came. So Keith reached up with his other hand and began to pet her hair on the other side of her face. He knew how she felt, as he too had been an orphan. This girl was only a kid, a kid who had been starved of the love and affection she deserved and had been given pain and loneliness as a substitute. The man with violet eyes then made the decision that this girl was coming home with them as soon as possible, and he was going to be there for her through everything and anything that was in her path. 


"So what?

"Would you like to come home with us?" By this point, when Tony opened her eyes Lance was kneeling beside Keith and looking up at her, praying that she would say yes. 

The tears now flooded down her cheeks as her shoulders shook with sobs. 

"Yes! Oh my god that would be amazing!" She laughed again and wrapped Keith in a hug while Lance joined in. So when the staff member heard all the ruckus, she peeked inside to see all three of them huddled together on the floor crying. Lance looked up at the lady who had opened the door and gave her a thumbs up. 

Tony then untangled herself from her new parents and told them not to go anywhere while she ran up the stairs to her room and packed the things she had. 

She was going home.

(Hey guys! Hope you got ur fill of happy stuff because I've decided that the next chapter is going to sad as FUCK. So be prepared for that, and I'll update anywhere from this week to this weekend. See ya next time!~ Kayla)

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