Sheith- Scars

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(A/N: Hey guys! So I've noticed that my fluffy oneshots tend to be more popular in this book, so I'll be doing more of them. However I haven't been very motivated to to write anything because I don't really have any ideas, so get ready to read about things that you've probably read about 1,000 times before. I hope you still like the chapters though!)

After the war with Zarkon, everything changed.

New alliances were made with different planets and different people. There was no longer the stress of whether or not the Galra was going to attack, no alarms blaring in the middle of the night signalling than Zarkon and his men were advancing. There wasn't much of anything that was the same.

Except for the scars.

The scars, aside from the memories and nightmares, were the only things left that stayed the same. They were the marks that littered their bodies with ugly appearances and awful backstories. All of the paladins had many scars, each of them told a gruesome tale of a difficult time. 

Shiro thought about his scars a lot, he thought about how ugly and scary they were. He wondered how Keith could even look at him with all the scars that covered him. He had gotten a few other ones on his face (aside from the scar across his nose), there was one that interrupted the hair on his eyebrow and went straight through to the top of his eyelid. Another than was just below his chin, about an inch long, and a vertical scar that planted it's roots on is bottom lip. Aside from that there were many others, old and new, that littered his torso. He hated them and he was sure that Keith did too, he didn't know how Keith could live with being his boyfriend with all these ugly markings that practically swallowed him whole. 

He scowled at the mirror and turned away, heading for the bed that he shared with his lover. He sat on the edge of it and put his head in his hands. He was a living reminder of everything that had happened while they were in space. 

"Shiro?" Keith called as the door to their room opened with a satisfying hiss. 

Shiro didn't respond and just stayed where he was, thinking about all the things that were wrong with him.

"Shiro, hey, you okay?" He asked as he made his way over and sat beside him. Keith put his hand on Shiro's shoulder and looked at him with a concerned face. 

"How do you do it," he mumbled so quietly that Keith almost didn't hear him, "how do you live with me even though there are so many things wrong with me?"

Shiro removed his hands from his head to reveal the tear tracks that stained his cheeks, flexing his metal arm and moving his fingers to show Keith what he meant.

"Shiro, where is this coming from? You've never mentioned this before." Keith replied.

"I'm a living reminder of the awful things we've been through, I have all of these terrible scars and not to mention the almost nightly occurrences when you have to wake me up from a nightmare. I'm hideous Keith, look at me." Shiro cried as he looked at Keith with pleading and glassy eyes while still showing Keith his metal arm. 

Keith didn't say anything, he just looked at him. He looked at his face and his arm and the many scars that were visible to him at the moment. He then reached for and tugged at the bottom of Shiro's shirt, motioning for him to take it off. Shiro looked at him with a confused face and didn't move, but after Keith raised his eyebrow at him he just took it off. 

Keith's eyes raked over his body as he trailed his fingers gently over the scars on his torso and his neck and his arms. He ran his fingertips over the palm and the fingers of Shiro's prosthetic, then gazing back up at his face. 

"I don't and never have seen anything wrong with you, you are not hideous. You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I love you for you, inside and out. We wouldn't be together if I didn't. " Keith reasoned as he cupped Shiro's face with his hands. 

He placed soft and gentle kisses on every scar on Shiro's face and neck while Shiro's tears began to lessen and were replaced with a small content smile. Keith made his way back up and kissed Shiro's lips, slow and loving, trying to put all the love he felt towards him in one kiss. Which probably wasn't humanly possible, but he could still try. 

"I love you, Takashi Shirogane."

"I love you too, Keith Kogane."

The rest of the night went peacefully, Shiro's face buried in Keith's neck as Keith traced various shaped onto his back and occasionally moving to run his hand through Shiro's white tuft of hair. Shiro breathed in the scent that was Keith, the man he loved, and the man that loved him. 

Even with his scars. 

(A/N: Sorry guys, this one was really short, but in the future I'll put up more lengthy chapters if I can. Let me know if you have requests! Have a good weekend.

Until next time ~Kayla) 

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