Blood- Angsty Klance

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(A/N: Hey guys! SO this is the angst I promised all of u lovely people ha, hope u like. After this I'm gonna do a Keith x Male Reader so stay tuned for that,, not sure what the plot is going to be it might just be a cute fluffy thing but i don't know whether I should do the Y/N (your name) version where you can insert your name, or actually make a name so let me know which one or I'll decide myself. Alrighty folks let's get started hope u got tissues ! Gonna be some bloody stuff  as seen in the title and a suicide scene.)


That was the only thing happening around them.

Lance and Keith were currently fighting off way more Galra soldiers than they should handle at once, and the others were trying to help the prisoners escape by loading them into escape pods. If either of the boys even blinked there would be more soldiers to battle, so they kept going, dodging and shooting and slashing and stabbing at the enemy. They wouldn't let up though, no matter how many Galrans they killed, more and more showed up and took their place. Lance was trying to think of this as a video game, because he excelled at those, only he didn't have any lives or revivals left. Keith however, was taking this as the utmost serious situation, if he looked away for a second they could both be killed, so he kept fighting with a stern and angry expression on his face. 

"You doin' alright over there, buddy?" Lance called over the mass of shooting and blasters going off. 

"How do you think I'm doing? We're fighting for our lives! Do you think I'm having a good time?" Keith seethed as sweat dripped down his nose and his brow.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes!" He called back as he shot Galra soldiers left and right, trying not to shoot Keith even though he came close a couple of times.

Trying to distract himself, he decided to ask Keith something, something that probably was inappropriate for the situation they were in now. 

"Hey Keith!" 

Keith was mad now, they were fighting for their lives and Lance wanted to have small talk with him????

He growled under his breath, momentarily forgetting about the raging battle that was going on around them and whipped his head around to face Lance. 

"WHAT? What could possibly be so importa-" 

That's all it took. One glance away from the fight. The one time he separated himself from reality.  The one time he blinked. 

"KEITH" Lance cried as he watched Keith be shot multiple times in the chest and abdomen, killing him instantly.

"KEITH NO! Come on answer me buddy!" Lance wanted to sink to his knees and cry because he already knew that Keith was dead, he knew that he would never be able to ask him the question. 

Lance knew that Keith died because he couldn't keep his mouth shut

But he couldn't  stop shooting, he couldn't stop otherwise he would die too, but at the moment that didn't sound like such a bad thing. Rage burned through him and he suddenly went into a blind fit of anger and sorrow. Screaming and shooting everything that moved. He  cleared the room in less that two minutes. 

Lance paused to look around and make sure that everyone was dead, and indeed everyone was. 

Including Keith. 

He rushed over to Keith's side and undid Keith's armor, ripping off his chest plate and looking over his wounds. 

"oh god, oh god oh no oh no" he mumbled to himself, pressing his hands on the wounds to stop the bleeding, hoping to bring Keith back  to life. 

He only ended up soaking his hands in the blood of the boy he loved. He never got to tell him, he never got to say anything to him, he only started childish arguments and picked petty fights with the raven haired boy.  

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry Keith, I love you, please please I love you, please come back." Lance pleaded with tears running down his cheeks and dripping onto the red paladin's chest. Mixing in with the crimson nightmare that swallowed him whole. 

Lance removed his hands and looked at them, covered in blood, Keith's blood. His thoughts began to swirl and his breathing came in gasps.  

It was his fault.

He killed Keith.

Keith was dead because of him. 

"Oh god, no no no no no no no. This isn't real, this isn't real Lance. Wake up," he slapped himself and pounded on his head, only worsening his growing headache, "WAKE UP!" 

But this wasn't a dream. 

Keith was really dead. 

Lance was a murderer. 

His face and hands were slathered with the blood of his team-mate, his friend, his crush since the Garrison.  

Lance pet Keith's cold and pale face and kept whispering, "i love you i love you i love you please don't go."

Lance didn't know how to live with himself, so he decided that he didn't want to. He picked up his blaster that was dropped at his side when he ran to Keith's aid, and held it under his chin. 

Every single memory that he cherished then flashed before his eyes. Meeting Hunk in elementary school and asking to be his friend. 

He would never get to see Hunk again, never get to tell him how much of an amazing friend he was to Lance, how much Hunk meant to him. Hunk would be heartbroken, he wouldn't be able to cope and Lance was still going to go through with this because the pain and grief was unbearable. 

Telling his mom that he got accepted into the Garrison and that he was going to go to space and make her proud of him. 

He would never see his family either, his mom still thought he was missing, and he wanted to see her and tell her he was alive and that he was a paladin of Voltron. He wanted to see the look on her face when she saw that her baby boy was a hero, he wouldn't ever get to tell his mom now. 

 Meeting and shaking the hand of his hero, Takashi Shirogane. Shiro had been through so much and was like a father figure to Lance, he wouldn't be able to tell him how proud he was of Shiro, how proud he was of all of them. He was sad that he was leaving them behind, but he was going to see Keith again,  he would always be with them, just not in the way they had hoped. 

"I'm so sorry," he sobbed, "I love you and I'm sorry." 

He pulled the trigger. 

Blood covered the ceiling and the walls as his body fell limp and lifeless on the floor next to Keith's. 


It's what caked the walls and the ceilings, it's what spilled from the opened wounds of the bodies on the floor. 

It was the only thing that could silently and slowly make anyone lose their mind. 

(Hey guys... writing this made me really sad and I may or may not have cried. So there you have it! Angst is always good for the soul :). I'm really tired so I'm not going to read this over and edit it, maybe later but not tonight lmao. Anyway, like I said the next chapter will be a Keith x Male Reader as requested! If you have any requests please don't hesitate to let me know.                  Until next time ~ Kayla. )

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