Christmas Special- Voltron

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(Hello friends.... I know it's been waaaaaay too long since I updated but I've been swamped with work and homework for the past two weeks and I could not find the motivation or the plot to write a oneshot, I'm really sorry, but hopefully this Christmas oneshot will make it better! The whole Voltron shitshow. Ships in this include Hance, ShiroxMatt (I refuse to acknowledge their ship name), and Kallura (Keith and Allura). The ships may be different from what you're used to in this book but I like to switch it up a bit every now and then. Happy reading!)

The holidays were something that everyone on the Votron team loved, even Keith though he never admitted it. Allura and Coran were especially excited because they were finally going to experience a real human tradition, one that involved giving gifts and eating traditional foods and overall joy. 

After the war, everyone had changed in little ways, and most of them were solely in appearances. Their attitudes towards the things they loved never changed, even after they had returned to earth and caught up with the people they left behind. 

Lance and Hunk were currently staying at Lance's house for the day, his family wanted him for Christmas Eve and they said that Hunk's family could have Lance on Christmas. Shiro and Matt were at the Holt household, eating and chatting about lost time and machinery that both Pidge and Matt had conjured up on their rather odd time in a space war. Meanwhile Keith, Allura, and Coran were at the group owned house that they lived in now. The whole Voltron team pitched in on it (except for Allura and Coran as they don't have earth money), and they planned to stay there until they had to go back to space for some reason, then they would promptly part ways with their earthen home. 

At this shared house, Coran was passed out in one of the bedrooms as he had become very tired after playing in the snow and decorating the tree. The whole thing was exhausting! So that left Allura and Keith by themselves, which they were perfectly fine with as they didn't get a lot of time alone on the castle-ship. They were lounging on the couch, Allura's head on Keith's lap while he ran his fingers through her long silver hair. 

"Keith, why do you not appear to be happy about the holidays?" Allura questioned as Keith looked down at her with curious eyes.

"Well, I do like the holidays, I just never had anyone to celebrate them with so I thought it was pointless to even try. I never really thought much of it until you guys started getting me excited about it." 

"So.. this is your first time celebrating with people you care about?" She asked.

"Yeah...yeah I guess it is," Keith moved one of his hands to awkwardly scratch the back of his neck, "I mean, at least I'm here with you and everyone else though, so this time I'm not alone."

Allura chuckled and smiled, pushing herself up off his lap to give him a kiss on the lips. Keith accepted happily and kissed her back. 


 Lance and Hunk burst through the door with gifts and food in their hands. Both of them smiling like maniacs as they dumped everything that was in their hands on the counter. 

Their arrival scared Keith so bad that he bit Allura's lip, causing her to shrink back and hold her lip while she hissed in pain. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I swear," he took Allura's face in his hands and desperately checked her lip for blood and of course there was, "DAMMIT LANCE YOU MADE ME BITE ALLURA'S LIP, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!"

"I have no idea how I could've ever made you do such a thing, but we're here as a surprise! As you might have already seen, we brought gifts and snacks for you lovebirds and-"

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