Prologue : Is everything perfect ?

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Neal Cassidy was happy. It wasn't really something to which he was used to, in fact, it was pretty recent for him. Since when, he didn't know, he remembered a period where it wasn't the case, even though he tried not to remember, and remembered less and less.

He was really trying more and more to forget that. This time was too dark to make him want to remember. Some of his memories disappeared, because of the curse, but the majority that stayed were true, none of them had been really modified by the one who cast the curse.

With some details, as he did forget some things. Everything he lived in the world without magic. What he lived before was intact, but not that.

Neal forgot Emma, the Saviour had been completely erased from his memory, it had been made by his grand-mother, who didn't want her spell being destroyed by a former Lost Boy who would remember.

For Neal, this life had nothing good or joyful, he didn't remember the curse, still thinking that his father was there as he had been able to abandon his magic. According to him, his father finally became someone good, chose his son and the light.

There was nothing in him from the magic in this world, August, or even Henry.

Especially not Henry.

Fiona erased everything, happy moments with Emma or Tamara. As the bad, as his culpability about what he did to Emma, or the moment where his father died and came back thanks to him.

Or also operation Henry, in Neverland, that hadn't been easy ; he didn't remember other strong moments, as the "reunion" with Hook, in a way, where they finally reconciled.

Oh, and more important, Neal Cassidy didn't remember that he died.

Which was, in fact, a good thing.

His life in the Enchanted Forest, he goodly remembered it, good as bad things, but you couldn't have said that his memory hadn't been changed.

So, when things began to evolve, the young man wasn't expecting it.


It had been five years since the beginning of the curse, and some important problems were still there. The inhabitants (most of them, with exceptions), weren't really unhappy.

They all had a normal and peaceful life, without any problem, and with no desire to change it. Without seeing that there was a problem somewhere. Without understanding that there was something wrong in this good town of Storybrooke.

And it was the main difference with Regina's curse, and in a way, one of it worst sides. No one really wanted things to change, as no one saw that this story was bad, that what was happening there had nothing normal.

The true problem was that the inhabitants themselves thought nothing should change, no one knew that everything was bad, in reality.

It hadn't been the case during the first curse, that had been made to punish the inhabitants, and so the Evil Queen would be the only one to be happy.

When Emma came, it had been something great for almost everyone, but there, in a town dominated by the Black Fairy, no one wanted things to change.

So that was why this curse was worst than the previous, because it was more insidious, and also more vicious. The only people who could have wanted to change something to it were the one who remembered.

There was Henry, of course, who grew up and was now nineteen. Things became worst for him, in the sense where he was still blocked in the hospital, falling more and more in despair.

And depression.

Just as his mother, five years before, and apparently, no one, not even Gold, seemed to see that the young man seemed to be close from the breaking point.

When Archie tried to take some words from him, his patient just answered by irony or sarcasm.

(It should be coming from someone in his family...)

The rest of time, he stayed silent, not knowing what to say. He couldn't say the truth, as no one would accept it. And no one wanted to fight against Fiona.

Everything seemed lost for Henry. In fact, he wasn't the only to believe that.

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