Part 8 : Success

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 The present situation didn't please him. Absolutely not, in fact, and what he was seeing was beginning to afraid him.

Yes, Hook was afraid, really afraid...

Henry's attitude was what frightened him, and, worried for him, he decided to watch him, seeing that he was more and more desperate, since he couldn't draw.

And the fact is that he couldn't receive any visit.

(Fiona wasn't an idiot.)

The reason why they let him leave outside, he didn't know, but it was probably coming from the fairy herself.

Hook had followed Henry on the roof, and was seeing him, there, without being able to do anything, as the young man was talking to himself, and was becoming more desperate.

He is going to to jump... Bloody hell, he is going to jump.

"Henry... HENRY !" Shouted then the pirate.

And, as the young man really seemed to be ready to commit suicide, it's just there that the pirate really began to panic.

He was shouting, shouting with all his forces, but it was just as if he was talking to a wall. Henry wasn't hearing him, he never would.

And suddenly, he perfectly knew what he had to do. The pirate began to run, before remembering he could be faster in another way, and directly appeared in front of Neal.

This last one jumped, and went at the back of the shop, as he wasn't alone.

"What do you want ?"

His voice was cold, because despite what he said to Snow, he hadn't have the courage to talk to the pirate, and didn't remark his panic.

"Listen to me Neal, if just for one time we just forgot our conflicts ? Because now, things are really terrible. They really are.

Neal raised an eyebrow.

- Why should I believe you ?

- Because your son is going to try to kill himself."

Neal became pale, not wanting to believe it. Then, he saw his look, and there, things began to change.

He is sincere.

Sincere, just as in Neverland ? His conscious told him.

Shut up.

And now, he was talking to himself...

He was really not sane.

Alright, alright.

He would believe him.

Just as Hook, Neal began to run.

He didn't need so much time before going on the roof. Henry was still there, looking at the ground, as hypnotized by it.

"Henry !" His father screamed.

His son turned back. He smiled, in a cold and sad smile.


Neal still didn't know if he was his son.

What he knew, in fact, is that he would fight for him...


He really had to hurry.

"Henry, he said again, just go next to me, right ? What you're trying to do... you can't do it, you just can't...

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