Part 10 : Confusion.

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Neal started when the ghost appeared just next to him, without telling him he would be there. He was reading one of the numerous books his father had about magic, trying to find a way to break the curse.

Knowing there was someone next to him but that there still were readers in the library, the young man decided to walk a little, so he could talk with the ghost.

Who was Hook.

"What I will tell does not only concern you, but also the other, couldn't you try to tell me you're here before appearing ? I don't want to be seen as someone crazy, if someone sees me starting without reason and then talking alone.

- We will try, just said the pirate, without adding anything else."

(It's useless to say that they didn't take it into account. More as a habit than by wanting to do it.)

The other looked at him for a time, trying to understand what was wrong. Since what Henry did, the two men didn't really talk to each other, as Hook didn't come back to see Neal.

The ghost stayed silent, a little pensive. He was thinking, and let the silence settle. Strangely, Neal didn't feel any anger any more, as if the flashes he had proved him that, maybe, the pirate changed.

The memories were there, he understood. Buried, hidden, and impossible to find.

But there.

He just had to find a way to find them.

Killian seeming not to want to talk this day, Neal went back to where he was before, and he missed the painful look the other man gave on what was around them.

The library.

Just a normal place for Neal, but which meant more for the pirate. One of the reasons of his presence was that he wanted to see Belle. It was idiot and futile, but he just wanted to have the proof that his friend was okay.

He just wanted to be sure that their pain, this pain they had as ghost, if it hadn't have a sense, at least had a purpose. That it wasn't there in vain. And that Belle, her, at least, was happy.

As they just couldn't be.

Some time after, Belle came finally into the library, with a smile on her lips, smiling and shining.

"I am sorry I had been so long outside, but I had to talk to your father.

- You will replace me now ?

- Yes, if you want to go somewhere in the town, at Granny's, or see your father, or... your son, you can, yes.

- Thanks."

And, as he was going to discretely show to Hook to follow him, he saw him who was looking at Belle with a look full of... nostalgia ? It seemed to him, a friendly look, obviously.

As they were alone and out of the shop, Neal turned in the direction of the ghost. This one seemed to be... sad. He didn't need the pirate to say him something to understand the situation.

"So... as I just saw it... Belle and you were friends, right ? Unless I am wrong.

- This is that.

- But... it doesn't make sense !

- Why ?"

They were both walking, without looking where they were going, and were now not far from the port.

"I mean... she is my father's wife.

- Yes.

- And you hate my father.

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