Part 14 : Don't fail any more.

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If there was something that Neal didn't want to talk about with his father, it was his feelings. In general, of course. But now, there was two things that the young man didn't want to evoke with his father which were linked ; his feeling and the pirate.

So, the explosive cocktail feelings for Killian Jones was not a thing he wanted to talk about with Gold. And, as they were thinking about a way to break the curse, Neal decided to shut up. Tell him nothing seemed to be the best option even if he would have wanted to talk about it with someone alive.

A person alive who would be an adult, of course.

(When he tried to talk about it to Henry, this one just burst into laughter without being able to stop.

Because, according to him, it was absurd.

At first sight.

And even if you thought about it, it still was.

But it did have a sense.)

Ruby and Dorothy accepted to listen to him, but they didn't understand him as much as Belle could. So, that's why, when he stopped working, he went to see his "step-mother" (younger than him, especially if you took into account Neverland), with the idea of talking about this crazy story.

If Belle lost some characteristics that made of her who she was before the curse, she didn't change so much.

But the talk they had didn't really help her.

In fact, it seemed that talk wouldn't solve their problems, finally.

His story was endless, to confess to himself his feelings was complicated ; to do it to Belle took time, but he did it.

Do it to Hook would be impossible and would have no interest.

He was in love with a ghost : their story wouldn't work, if it ever was able to exist.

Fate never was his friend.


Not think about it any more. It was his obsession of the day, and he finally was able to talk with his father.

Not about that, but about magic.

"How can we take off this damn bracelet ?

- I can't, I don't have the magic for it...

- I think I know how."

The two men started, by seeing who was there.


Because of the habit, they weren't afraid, and they succeeded to be themselves again.

"That would help us a lot, said Gold, but I would have appreciated that you told us that before.

Neal and the ghost both rolled their eyes.

- Dad, we don't have time for your quarrels, right ? Regina, what do you know ?

- When I succeeded to be more or less material again, I came to my vault, with Emma, so I would search for objects that could help us. I found one.

- You don't have it with you ?

- No, we have to go to it, but me, I can't take it.

- I come with you, said Neal, ready to go."

He was tired of this situation, he wanted to do something, act, be useful. Regina continued to talk.

"Snow and David are in the Black Fairy's house, searching things in it, to find her wand. As it is the only thing that can kill her.

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