Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V:

"All Passangers in flight 27516 to London, please board at gate 5." 

We are all in line, chatting and laughing way. Excitement washing over us. Dylan and Eddy are talking about the hot English girls they'll meet, Aimee is talking about the fashion and I am thinking about the sightseeing.  The flight is scheduled to arrive pretty late at night over there, but I'm not complaining because we would be staying in one of the best hotels there. It's in a quiet area too, in south London. I am distracted by my thoughts when Aimee calls my name, "Y/N, you did collect the bag from the car right?" I look at Eddy and Dylan who reply with a shrug. "Thought you boys were..." They shake their head halfway through my sentence. "OMG I GOTTA GO GET IT!" I rush off but soon rush right back. "Aimee can I have the car keys please?" She smiles and nods, "You're lucky Damien hasn't come to collect the car yet. But he will soon if you don't hurry and you want to be back in time before they fly off with out you!" She calls as I run off. 

After shoving though a massive crowd of people, I rummage through the car and find the bag with all of our small items. I sigh in relief, but then frown, I lock the car and start running off with the bag of items. "Can all passengers on the flight 27516 to London please start boarding at gate 5." I push my way past the crowd of people, they are holding signs up, probably protesting. I read one, "WE LOVE YOU!" Not a protest... I can see cameras flashing and security everywhere, maybe someone famous is here... I'm distracted by my thoughts as a young teenage girl rushes past me and into the crowd. I continue to make my way through and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I rush past security as quickly as possible, getting pulled up twice, one for forgetting to take off my watch and another for forgetting to take my phone out of my pocket. 

I can see the passengers boarding and sigh when I see the line is still really long, I can make it. But I stumble back after running into a wall? No, a guy. I land on my butt and yelp in pain, "Fuck."  I look at all the items that have fallen around me and then look into at the guy who I bumped into. "Hey what the hell..." I say, pissed off a bit. But that feeling fades when the charming young man takes off his sunglasses and I meet his deep dark brown eyes. I take a moment to notice his caramel coloured hair and his tall figure. He leans down and holds out a hand, "Sorry Ma'am, I wasn't watching where I was going..." I refused his hand, and frowned, my pissed off feeling coming back. I picked up my items and he tried to help but  I cut him off, "No, it's okay I got it." I pack the bag and stand up. I notice the security behind him but don't think much off it at first. There''s security everywhere here. "I'm..." His British accent snaps me back into reality, London. I'm going to London."Look I'd love to introduce myself and exchange numbers but I'm late for a flight to London and my friends are waiting for me and I'm sorry but I gotta go.C ya!" I call over my shoulder and shake all thoughts of him and his perfect looking self out of my head. I meet with my friends and we are soon boarded onto the plane. 

I am seated in my plane, first class and I'm finally relaxing. It starts to take off and soon, I can look out of the window and can see white, fluffy clouds. I focus back into first class. "Wow this is too flash..." Eddy says wide eyed as he spots the  bowl of lollies inches away from him. "Well Edward, that's what happens when you know people in high places." Aimee snorts before hitting his arm, "Stop eating you pig." He grunts in reply and continues stuffing his face with lollies. Aimee and Eddy are seated together and I'm  two seats behind them seated next to Dylan. "I feel like, no matter how far away we are from them, we can still hear them bickering." Dylan and I laugh for a bit, telling jokes and talking about hilarious situations. "I gotta go to the bathroom. So you gotta move outta the way big guy," I smile and make my way past him. I'm walking down the quiet isle and into the bathroom. Once I'm done I walk back down the isle, but trip over someones foot. I am about to fall face first onto the plane floor when a strong hand catches me. I stand still and my saviour is also standing now. "Sorry, are you...Oh, hi!"  I look at the familiar person and smile. "Hey you." I say and he lets out a chuckle. "What are the chances we're both in first class together on the flight to London you were going to be late for." I blush in embarrassment, "I'm sorry about that. I was in a rush and I panicked." I admit. He gestures for me to sit in an empty seat next to him and I look at where my friends are seated. I nod and come to a conclusion that my friends can wait, at the moment I just wanted to talk to this really attractive stranger. "I'm Thomas. You are?" He asks for my name and I give it to him. He smiles, "What a lovely name." I blush again. We talk some more, mostly about my trip to London and my friends. I'm about to ask more questions about himself but I feel a tap on my shoulder, "Aimee!" I smile at her and she smiles back, then she looks at Thomas with wide eyes. "Y/N, who is this hot stranger?" She asks with a wink and for the millionth time I blush. "This is Thomas. Thomas this is Aimee, the fashion designer." He waves and we all stare at each other for a few awkward moments. "Um Dylan wanted to know where you were, but I'll tell him you bumped into an old friend..." Aimee goes to dash off but I stop her, "No, I should probably go back to my seat. I'll see you there in a moment." I turn back to Thomas, "I should get going...." He cuts me off, "Can we at least exchange numbers?" I laugh as I remember the time I bumped into him with was only a few hours ago. He grins his perfect sexy grin and my heart starts beating really fast. "Okay." We exchange numbers and I finally find my seat again. Most people are sleeping but I just can't, I'm too busy thinking about Thomas. 

Thomas was a lovely man who... Wait... I rack my Brian wandering where I've seen him before... I pull out my phone and see the picture of Thomas Brodie Sangster as my background. It takes me a moment but then something in my brain clicks. Tall, blonde, charming, British... Famous! The crowd at the airport were saying goodbye to a famous person, the same famous person who hid himself in sunglasses and had security guards with him. The same famous person I just sat next too and exchanged numbers with, the same famous person set as my background. My heart is beating really fast... I just met Thomas Brodie Sangster and I didn't even realise... 

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