Authors note

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OMG I watched the Death Cure a few nights ago and earlier today again. And let me tell all you sangsters, Thomas was so cute! I can't even!! And it was a very good movie and ahhh I'm just sooo happy right now! BUT I will not be spoiling anything for those who haven't watched it. Let me just say that you should deffinetly watch it if you haven't already. 

Also I am not really feeling the story anymore so am in the middle of deciding to continue or stop and start a different story. If I started another story I think it would be about a girl in the glade, going through the scorch and surviving the death cure. So a story about going through all three trials with our lovely Newt. 

So pls comment if you'd like me to continue or create a new story. 

Anyways thanks, love you guys! Violett 

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