ok help me XD

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iiiiiiiiiii just binge-watched all of Camp Camp

yes both seasons



Nikki- "I'm an agent of chaos :D"


Nikki- "Gwen, why is David dressed like a turkey?"

Gwen- *double facepalm* "Because he's fucking David, Nikki you've been here long enough to figure that out."


David- "We represent the Order of the Sparrow, a secret society that gathers only to honor the most worthy of campers."

Nikki- "...So then what are you doing here?"


Max- "You suck. This world sucks. And one day we're all gonna die and none of it will matter."

(Max is my spirit animal)


David- "I dunno Gwen. Are you sure we need more help?"

*a grenade breaks through the window and lands on the floor*

Nikki- "Sorry! Foul ball!"

Gwen- *grabs David* "YES."

and then they literally get a cult leader


Neil- "Do you think maybe it's right? That socializing sucks because we're all just shitty people?"


Max- "Man this place sucks at naming things."

(and i was looking away from the screen at that point so I just imagined Sun saying that and i dIED LAUGHING)


Nerris- "Anyone else want a twenty-sided ass kicking?"

Harrison- "Big deal, so you threw a bunch dice at some animals. Kind of a dick move to be honest."

and is it bad that I totally think Nerris sounds like Yang.

a nerdy Yang, but it's still undoubtedly her

also Nerris is possibly my 4th favorite character


Max- "Goddamn! Why is everything always for the fate of the camp? We just played FRISBEE for the fate of the camp!"


David *happily, because he's David*- "Now, I want each of you to go out and find-or make- a gift that truly exemplifies your love and admiration for our hardworking groundskeeper!"

Quartermaster- *still spinning upside down from the ceiling fan* "I have given you nothing to revere. I will betray you all when the opportunity arises."


David- "Uh Gwen what is happening?!"

Gwen- "No clue, but if the Kardashians have taught me anything, I think we can make a TV show out of it!"

i think Gwen is my favorite character


Max- "Oh please, how bad could it be?"

Neil- "I want you to remember saying that five minutes from now when we're scarred for life."


Max- "Guys, I know we've done some fucked-up things before, but I think this takes the fucked-up cake."


Neil *kicks Tabii*- "I mean, they could provide us with a female perspective..."

Nikki- "I'm a female."

Neil and Max *look at each other*- "...ehhhh"


Gwen- "Oh, and Max has a teddy bear. Eat shit, Satan!"


Gwen- *violently shakes Max* "WHAT have you done?! Do you realize how much paperwork I have to do for a dead camper?!"

Max- "Don't overrea- wait you've had to do that before?"


and of course it's Rooster Teeth so the subtitles are hilarious

when David swears for the first time in the show the subtitles LITERALLY say [MY BABY NO ;-;] and i was laughing so hard

Dolph- "And yet I'm the most adorable!"

Subtitles- [Yes you are Dolph]

tho Dolph is little baby Hitler so uh


and yes I watched the episode 'Jasper Dies At The End' but I still don't know how he died?



I still can't decide who I like more, Max or Gwen

They're both fucking hilarious

and i just saw this animatic and i am cRYING






okay but Camp Camp is funny

there'll be a season three rite

grr curse you bella

you just had to get me into that

-Rush left to draw Gwen-

Rush's Book of Insanity: Part ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now