argh rargh

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Shoot. I've hit a writing roadblock.

(this isn't spectacularly important, I just need to vent)

So you might remember in AWU when Logan first got his powers, he saw all the other Authors dying (including himself)?

I didn't go into detail about most of the deaths, because I hadn't decided how everyone was going to die yet and wanted to give myself room to work.

I only mentioned Megan's, Wolfe's, Jasmine's, Ruby's, his own, and Rush's, because I already knew exactly how I was going to kill all of them (and anyway I think at least one had already happened).

Those deaths also all happened in AWU, except Rush.

So here's my problem. I wrote that AWU-Rush dies in a fire, 'her body turning to ash and char before she could scream'. That was before I decided what I wanted to do with her power. AWU-Rush ends up having a lot of trouble with her Author power, and now I think I want the strain of sending *spoiler* into *spoiler* to *spoiler* could kill her, since she's already a bit weak.

That does not include fire. She would be (maybe) the only Author to die from her own power. However, that would disprove Logan's vision, and I don't particularly want to do that.

I'm not sure which I want to do- use the new death scene I came up with and have Logan be wrong, or have Logan be right and not use the new death idea.
(this is the kind of problem that only an Author would have)
(goddammit Autocorrect that's not supposed to be capitalized!)

And my sister just pointed out that me killing AWU-Rush is basically suicide since she's my persona character. Thanks, Alicia -.-

also i just published the 'intro' bit to Forgotten Demons and I already regret my life

-Rush left to restart her STUPID computer-

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