A Few Words About Halloween ¯\_ツ_/¯

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yes okay it was yesterday

but yeah

I had fun ^^

My Grim Reaper costume DID still fit, though it didn't hang quite right around the shoulders and I kinda broke the chain a couple times.

My friend Bella went as Morty, and her little sister was Alice Angel. Most people didn't think Bella was even dressed up but she was and it was lowkey hilarious. Bella's also really short, so I felt SOOO tall lol. We usually have Genna with us to make me feel short too, but she couldn't come this year waaahhh

Also my costume had this black veily thing that goes over your face, and as it got darker out, it got harder for me to see 😂

We kinda went neighborhood-hopping, and I got a TON of candy. And anything I couldn't eat with my braces, I just traded with my sister, who got way less and is an extremely unfair trader. I got several handfuls worth of Skittle bags, it was awesome.

Then when I came back to the Studio, Mom, Dad, and I (Alicia hadn't gotten back from trick-or-treating with her friends yet) watched 'Night of the Living Dead', which is a TERRIBLE old zombie movie. It was made back in the sixties, but Jesus Christ that was an awful movie. It's a bit infamous in my family because my mom watched it when she was like 9 and has been thoroughly freaked out by zombies ever since, but UUUGGGHHHH IT WAS SO BAD. I claimed that I was going to have nightmares about bad pacing, lame dialogue and weird effects and I'm not sure if I was kidding.

And uh yeah there's something else I kinda want to talk about

I briefly mentioned in a previous chapter that I especially like Halloween because it's based on a Pagan holiday, Samhain. And I don't think this has ever come up but yeah, I'm Pagan.

I think there's a lot of weird ideas and misconceptions about that particular religion but really it's not a big deal for me. In my family, the most that's required is we respect the animals and nature and celebrate the coming of the seasons. But I don't really know what most people's opinions on Paganism are, so...yeah. Whenever religion comes up in IRL conversation, I just turn so awkward and insecure because being Pagan is one of the last aspects of my life that I still feel weirdly ashamed of.
I'm just kinda hoping this is no big deal to my more religious friends...?

*hides in corner*

Also I neeeeeeeeed to draw something special for the 2nd anniversary of the HTTYD series ending but hey where'd my ideas go

I asked Aiden and his response was something along the lines of 'pick a scene that makes you cry and draw that in your style'

To which I said something like 'IM NOT ILLUSTRATING THE ENTIRE DAMN BOOK'

And then the conversation went to Other Strange Places but yeah since when is that new XD

(don't...don't question it)

Also I'm still not over Wash's death

I don't think I ever will be


Michal (the family friend that got us into Firefly) is enjoying this WAY too much, especially since he said he got equally emotional.

For example:

Micheal: I have a bad Firefly joke for you.

Me: ...yeah?

Micheal: How do Reavers clean their spikes?

Me: ...

Me: *realizes* Oh god don-

Micheal: They run them through the Wash

Me: ...

Me: holy

Me: fucking

Me: shit

Me: im never speaking to you again *visible tears*

Micheal: I reacted the same way, trust me.

And yesterday when I was digging through the basement he came down and

Micheal: Whatcha doing down here?

Me: Scrounging for a costume. I mean, I know what I'm gonna be, I just need to find it.

Micheal: Well I've got a Hawaiian shirt and a spike, you could go as Wash.

Me: *sad glare*

Micheal: *mildly evil grin*

Me: you are enjoying this way way too much, just leave me to my sorrow

And yeah I feel a bit stupid yakking about Firefly all the time since I KNOW there's no one else in the fandom on here, but eeeehhhh

*lays on floor* I will never recover from that fricking movie

And the almost-worst part is that my family and I are rewatching the series again, and every time Wash says something funny or sarcastic I just have to take a deep breath like 'don't cry, don't cry, don't cry' because argh why the fuck did I want to watch Serenity that movie ruined my view of the series

(minor nitpick- Serenity is the name of the pilot/first episode of the series, AND the movie. Really confusing.)






-Rush left to scream about not finishing Inktober-

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