Yoongi P.O.V. (part one)

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*sorry this is a day late, but here is the next chapter. it's more of a part one because i wil have the rest updated tomorrow because i have to get to bed for the night. goodnight and i hope you like this chapter*



I slowly stepped inside Jin-hyung and I's room, careful not to spill the food. He turned and looked at me from underneath his covers, his tear-stained face breaking me in half. I carefully set the bowls down on the dresser and turned back to him.

"Tell me why you did that." I asked him sternly, and he just pouted.

"I hate this feeling. I just wanted to try to go back to my old self-" he said, breaking off and sobbing. I slowly approached him, kneeling down on the floor in front of his bed. He looked at me and bit his lip, looking off.

"Jin-hyung, I wish I could help. I can't stand seeing you like this, and I know you hate it, too. All of the others were devastated when you came home that night." He winced as I emphasized the word 'that'. "The doctors can't even touch you without you having a panic attack and passing out. We don't know how to help you, but we want to do whatever it is that we can." Jin looked at me sadly, and the look in his eyes said he wanted to be normal again, too. I remember the last time he was sad, and I had cheered him up before the incident.


As we all took a break from dancing in the practice room, Jimin and J-Hope slouched on to the floor and chugged water. Jimin snuggled up against his hyung, and laid his head on his shoulder. The sound of breathing was the only sound you heard throughout the room for a few minutes. I looked around the room for Jin-hyung to congratulate him on is progress, yet I didn't see him. After identifying the small ball of human curled up in the corner of the room, sniffles started to resound throughout the room. All heads turned toward the sound of it, and I saw Tae quickly scramble off the floor to approach. I quickly give him a look and he stops walking, nodding in understanding.

"Jin-hyung, are you okay?" I slowly walked toward him, crouching down next to him in worry.

"I c-can't ever g-get it right. I've t-tried so m-many times already," he said through tears. I quickly pulled him in my lap, holding his head against my chest.

"Shhh, hyung. It's alright. You were actually doing a lot better, and I wished I could've mentioned it earlier." I pet his hair softly, giving Namjoon a look that he knew all too well. At Namjoon's signal, all of the others started to shuffle slowly out of the room. Jin started to cry even harder once everyone left the room, and I rubbed his back soothingly.

"It j-just feels like th-they don't appreciate me. I t-try so hard to fit in w-with the group...," he trails off, and lets out a broken sob. I pull him closer, whispering small reassuring phrases to him.


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