Namjoon P.O.V. (2)

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I hugged Yoongi hyung and rubbed his back until he was able to fully function and breathe properly again.

"Alright, listen. If all of us go in at once, it could really scare him, so I think we should vote one person to go in first." I said, looking around at the others.

"I think Taehyung should go in," Jimin stated.

"Yeah, he was the other closest than Yoongi hyung," Hoseok agreed.

"Alright. All in favor of Taehyung going in first, raise your hands." I looked at the others who all raised their hands, even Yoongi who was still hugging me. Taehyung looked at me and swallowed slowly, already tearing up slightly.

"I-I guess I am going then..." The words fell off his lips as if he was scared to do so. I reached out to grab his hand, but Hoseok watched and Taehyung pulled back when he noticed him watching. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sudden action, focusing back at the elder in my arms.

"We should go back downstairs to check on Jin hyung. He needs us right now and that is all that we should be focusing on." I spoke softly, not wanting to raise my voice in the panicked state everyone was in right now.

"Namjoon hyung is right. We need to be focused on Jin hyung right now. He really really needs us right now and we can not let him down." Jungkook spoke up after clearing his throat. The others all nodded and Yoongi hyung stepped out of my embrace, wiping his face before standing up straight.

I stepped forward and started to walk down the stairs, hearing the footsteps follow behind me. As I walked closer to Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung's room, I started to get really nervous.

"Is something wrong, hyung?" Jungkook asked quietly. I shook my head and nudged Taehyung forward.

"We will wait outside the door for you. If you need us, need me, just let me know, okay?" I whispered to Taehyung and he nodded, walking to the door. As I turned around, I noticed Hoseok grimacing as if my interaction with Taehyung upset him. I brushed it off at the moment, waiting for Taehyung to go inside.

"Namjoon hyung!" I heard Taehyung say from inside the room, and I quickly went inside the room. Inner panic settled in as I noticed there was no Jin hyung in the room. I reached out and grabbed Taehyung's hand, making him turn and face me. Tears were cascading down his cheeks, so I reached out with my other hand and wiped his cheeks.

"Hey, Tae, it's okay. We are going to find him, but I need you to calm down a little. I'm right here and everything is going to be okay. I promise, okay?" I said, squeezing his hand and cupping his cheek. I pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead like I did every night to soothe him. His eyes fluttered shut and he took a deep breath, nodding slowly as I pulled him into my arms. Hoseok suddenly cleared his throat and Taehyung gasped, stepping away from me quickly and wiping his eyes. I frowned, but shook it off once again.

"Is Jin okay?" Hoseok spoke in an annoyed, but worried voice.

"No, he isn't in here," Taehyung said, changing his voice so that it didn't sound like he was just crying. Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows and grimaced.

"Did you check the closet?" Taehyung nodded.

"I don't know where he is." I stepped past Hoseok and looked around the hall, eyes widening at the sight of a stuffed animal caught between the door of the staircase.

"Um, guys. You might want to see this." The others quickly turned around to look in the direction that Namjoon was looking. Gasps filled the air, as a choked sob came from Yoongi hyung.

"Th-That was the s-stuffed bear I l-left him with w-when I went to get Namjoon.." Yoongi stuttered through his tears, collapsing on the ground in tears. 

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