Chapter One:

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"Hey, did you hear?" Opie called to Jax as he came and sat down next to him up on the clubs roof, where he normally sat to get away from it all. "No, what's going on?" he asked shutting the file folder in his hand. "Remember Chibs talking about his other daughter, back in Scotland? He mentioned something about her when we were in Belfast, after we were just patched in." Jax thought about it, trying to recall what Op was talking about. "Vaguely, why?" "I guess she'll be here some time today. She was a sniper for the British Special Air Forces. She used her military access to find out where Chibs' has been, and when she got out, she got a hold of him or some shit and now she's on her way. Chibs can barely contain himself, he thought she'd been dead all these years. I've never seen him so happy. He thinks she'd be a good asset to the club, wants to patch her in after a month trial period." "Interesting. How did you find all this out exactly?" he questioned, puffing on his cigarette. "Overheard Chibs and Clay talking in the garage the other night. It was an accident, I didn't know anyone was out there." Opie quickly replied to defend himself. "It's fine, brother. But, a woman in the club? Everyone's going to think we're weak and soft with a woman in our ranks. They're way too emotional and sensitive for this shit. What the hell is Clay thinking?" Op just shrugged.

As Jax lit up another cigarette and before he could take a drag, heard the sound of a unfamiliar bike. He and Opie looked towards the gate to see a sleek black Indian pull in with a tall athletically built red head on it's frame. She had no helmet, so her long unnaturally red hair flowed freely behind her. Parking her bike in the middle of the lot, she gracefully hopped off. Just as she did, Chibs came running out from the garage. "Alice!" he exclaimed as he ran to her, and wrapped her up in his arms. Jax and Opie quickly made their way down to where everyone was now gathering. "My girl, my beautiful girl." he was proclaiming as he held her. As Jax looked on, Alice's pale green eyes caught his dark blue ones. He felt as if they could pierce right through him. Just then, Tara came up, and linked her arm with his, causing him to pull his gaze away from Alice. "What's going on Jax? Who is that?" "Chibs' daughter, she's here for the club I guess." he replied in a dull tone, trying to shake the intimidating feeling he had gotten when Alice's eyes had torn into his own . "A woman, in the club?" she questioned, confused. He rolled his eyes, Irritated by the whole situation, walked away and muttered, "This is bullshit."

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