Chapter 3

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"No," I whispered while pushing him away. This seemed to take Mr Kim by surprise as he had to stumble back a few steps. "I'm not afraid, Mr Kim."

"Wow, y/n," Tae looked down at me in disappointment. "I guess I spoke too soon about your treatment."

"I don't love you!" I yelled, which seemed to take him by surprise again. "No amount of messing with my head will change that." I paused for a few seconds while staring up at him. "And if hating you makes me sick, then I guess I'm terminally ill."

"Really?" He asked with a smirk. "Do you know what I'm going to do now?"

"What?" I asked with cold eyes as Mr Kim stepped towards me.

"I'm going to make you worship every part of my being."

I sprinted into my room, quickly locked the door and jumped on top of my bed. This was the only place I could gain access to my window from.

"I don't care how many stories high this building is, I'll jum-"

I stared in shock as I lifted the white curtain. Quickly, I spun around to the long creek of my door opening.

There was no point in locking it in the first place since he probably had the master key.

Mr Kim let out a deep chuckle at the sight of me holding my up the curtain. I stared down at my "window" again. It was bricked up. Small lights shined on the inside, simulating the light of a sun.

"Do you think I'd be dumb enough to let you have a window?" He asked before bursting into laughter.

"He's insane," I whispered.


"I need your help," I pleaded while trying to keep up with 56. She shook her head while placing some towels into a cupboard.

"I only have two more chances, you know that miss." 56 whispered as she picked up a duster.

"But we can escape, you won't need Mr Kim's chances," I responded while watching her dust a vase.

"But I do need Mr Kim's chances," she paused what she was doing and stared blankly at the vase she was dusting. "I need him."

"What?" I mumbled.

"Unlike you, I don't have a house out there." She said while pointing in the direction of the front door. "I don't have a family, a job or a school."

She stopped staring at the vase and continued dusting it.

"I don't have anything but Mr Kim." 56 whispered.

I turned away with a sigh to go find another way to escape.

"But I know a way you can leave," Maid 56 said, sparking my interest. "I can't help you but I can tell you how to do it."

I swung back around with a huge grin on my face. "Yes, that'd be amazing."

"Mr Kim is at work right now," she whispered while glancing at the clock. "I have the pin code to the yard, which is where I hang the washing."

My eyes lit up in excitement. "Can I escape there?"

"Not exactly," she mumbled. "The only way to leave the garden is over a barb wire fence."

"I'll do it," I said quickly. A few scratches couldn't outweigh my freedom.

She quickly motioned me to follow her. We stopped in front of a large door with a small key pad to the right of it. The maid muttered the password while pressing it in.

"25, 10, 18, 5, 19, 9, 3, 11." It beeped and flashed a green light.

"What's the crazy long code for?" I asked as the door slowly opened in front of us. 56 shrugged in response.

This was it. This is how I'm going to finally escape.

I stared at the beautiful garden in awe. The plants were bright green and I had forgotten how amazing the feeling of sun on my skin was.

"Thank you so much." I whispered while hugging her tightly.

"Be quick, he'll be coming back soon." I nodded before running to the back of the garden. A rose bush covered what I had guessed was the fence.

"I can do this," I whispered while climbing up the side. It felt like my legs and arms were being stabbed by needles over and over again. As I got to the top, I searched for something to grip onto, which ended up being barb wire.

Quickly, I threw myself over the fence and landed on the other side with a thud. My legs and arms were bleeding and the cut on my hand was stinging and burning like crazy. Stupid hospital clothes, I thought while looking down at the dainty dress I was given. 

I glanced around at my surroundings. I was in what seemed like a forrest. I could hear the distant sound of cars rushing by. I stumbled towards the sound until it got louder and louder. I was now standing on the edge of an empty road, in the middle of a forrest.

After a few minutes of waiting, a car came driving around the corner. I stumbled over to it while waving my arms. Thank god it stopped.

I fumbled open the door, sat inside and closed it.

"Can you please take me home I got take-" my eyes finally met with his.

"What kind of greeting is that?" He asked in a mocking tone. "You're not going to ask how my day was?"

I desperately pulled on my door handle to leave. "It's locked." He said with a sigh. Slowly, my gaze was set back on the road.

"How was your day, Mr Kim?"

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