Chapter 7

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I ran down Mr Kim's spiralling staircase with a huge grin on my face.

"Wahh!!" I giggled while sharply turning a corner into the living room. Around five maids and butlers were busily cleaning when I entered. My smile slowly faded as they turned around to face me with lifeless expressions.

"These people need to learn how to have fun," I mumbled while walking out of the room. I had made sure to not get too close to them in fear they'd give me some other kind of "treatment".

For most of the day, I had been avoiding butlers and maids and exploring Mr Kim's mansion. I was just now walking in the large room that homed the entrance to Mr Kim's house.

My head quickly spun around to the front door as soon as I heard soft banging against it. Slowly, I walked to the door to answer it.

"Mr Ki-" I gasped and stumbled back for a second while staring at the person in front of me. "Jin!" I yelled while attempting to wrap my arms around his body. To my disappointment, I felt something pull me back before I could touch him.

"Let me go, 83!" I grumbled while trying to escape his grip. How did he even get behind me?!

"Sir, this isn't a good time, perhaps you should come over another day." 83 calmly said while holding my thrashing body.

"No!" I screamed, Jin looked scared. "Please! I need y-" 83 swiftly kicked the back of my knees, causing me to collapse onto the ground in front of me. My hair was falling down onto face, limiting my vision. He thinks I'm crazy.

"She's sick right now," 83 said to Jin through gritted teeth. "What do you expect from her after coming to a mental asylum?"

"Mental asylum?" Jin asked while stepping back. "I didn't kno-"

"Well you do now, sir." 83 slammed the door on Jin before kneeling down in front of me. He must get his manners from his boss.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a mocking tone while pushing some loose hair behind my ear.

"Don't touch me," I responded as a tear fell down my cheek.

"You're seriously crying?" He asked with a smirk. "Are you disappointed your 'knight in shining armour' couldn't save you?"

I stared down at the tiled floor in silence.

"I can save you," 86 whispered while leaning down closer to me and placing his hand on my thigh. "I can cure y-"

"I said don't touch me!" I yelled while slapping his face. I stared at my stinging hand in shock. A red mark slowly grew along the side of his cheek. Oh my god, I just slapped him.

I turned around to the sound of slow clapping behind me. Mr Kim was standing in his doorway with an impressed expression. I glanced behind him to see Jin getting into his car.

"Mr Kim," I mumbled while staring up at him.

"I thought you were the passive one in this relationship," Mr Kim said with a slight smirk while loosening his tie.

"Now, 86." Everyone's attention was set on the butler in front of me as soon as Mr Kim spoke. His tone was made up of disappointment with a slight a hint of anger. "I shouldn't have given you another chance."

"I don't want your chances anymore." 86 groaned while standing up. "I just want her." He mumbled while staring down at me. Woah, that was out of nowhere.

Mr Kim clenched his fists in anger. "You seem to have forgotten your place here, 86." Mr Kim kicked his stomach with a grunt, causing the butler to fall onto the ground.

"I own you." Why is he smiling?

"I own her," He won't stop kicking 86... I need to do something.

"I'll own anything I want." Is that blood?

Pure pleasure was plastered on Mr Kim's face as he watched the once small pool of blood around 86 expanded on the ground around him. I stared in horror as I saw my clothes beginning to stain with a deep crimson. I was so shocked that I couldn't even stand.

My eyes drifted up to Mr Kim who was staring down at me with a sadistic grin. His deep laughter echoed throughout the room.

I don't know why I can't cry.

"Here," Mr Kim said in a reassuring voice while reaching his hand down for me to hold. I reluctantly took it and slowly stood up.

"I made sure he'd never do anything to you again." Mr Kim said while wrapping his arm around my waist. "Aren't I a good boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend..." I mumbled as we started walking up a staircase. The memory of the previous event ran through my head over and over again. My head grew light as black dots blocked my vision. Luckily, Mr Kim caught me before I could fall to the ground.

"I think I'm sick," I mumbled while trying to open my heavy eyelids.

"It's okay," he whispered. "I'm taking you to your room."

"No..." I half groaned while weakly gripping onto his shirt. "I don't want to sleep in that room."

"You know what? I think you're getting better." He whispered while picking me up in a bridal hold.

"Really?" I asked with a faint smile.

"Yes," he replied before kissing my forehead. I soon fell into a deep slumber.

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