Chapter 10

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"S-stay away form me," Jin stuttered.

I tauntingly took one step closer and Jin rose his knife in response.

"Is Jin a little scardy cat?" I chuckled.

"You were never like this," he muttered.

"People change, Jinnie," I stumbled a few steps closer to him so the knife he was holding was resting against my stomach.

"I'm not afraid to hurt you," he threatened weakly.

"Do it," I whispered, pressing up closer to him.

Jin stared down at me with a pained expression. I wrapped my fingers around the knife handle and gently took it from his hands.

"I'm going to call the police," Jin threatened while grabbing his phone from the kitchen table beside us.

"Call them," I teased. Jin reluctantly pulled his phone to his ear and began speaking. My fatigue finally caught up to me and I collapsed again, this time passing out.


"Where am I?" I whispered while staring up at Jin who was standing next to the bed I was laying in.

"You're in a hospital." My eyes focused a little more and adjusted to the room around me. I was sitting in the middle of the "bedroom" Mr Kim gave me.

"This isn't a hospital..." I whispered while trying to get up, but my hands were tightly secured to the bed, "who did this?" I asked, anger rising in my stomach.

"He said tha-"

"You brought me here?!" I yelled.

"You're not sane, y/n," Jin responded, obviously nervous.

"Not sane?!" I asked, "I'll show you not sane!"

"Please calm dow-"

"No!" I screamed, thrashing back and forth to get out of the binds my arms and legs were stuck in. "I'll kill you!" I continued to violently struggle. "I'll kill your whole family!"

Jin turned away and ran out of the room.

"You're a coward!" I shrieked as he left but was interrupted by the door slamming closed.

Finally, I relaxed, causing my body to slowly sink into my bed.

I guess I'm just like him now. Totally insane.

I almost murdered Namjoon and Mr Kim has me wrapped around his finger.

"Maybe you're right," I mumbled to Mr Kim as I saw the door creaking open. "You always get your way..."

He chuckled as he entered my room and walked over to my bed.

"Why is that?" Mr Kim was leaning over my restrained body with a playful expression.

"Because you're a manipulator," I hissed.

"Oh really?" He asked sarcastically.

"Grow up," I mumbled while rolling my eyes. He's such a child.

"Listen here," Mr Kim grumbled. Looks like he's mad again...

"I own you," he began, "I own Jin."

"I can own anyone or anything I want," he leaned down closer towards me so our noses were almost touching. "Why is that, y/n?"

"Because what you say, goes."

Sick [TaehyungxReader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora