Chapter 5

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"Take a seat," Mr Kim said with an innocent smile. I quickly sat down on the seat he was motioning to.

When Mr Kim said he wanted to go on a date with me, this wasn't what I expected. We were in his garden sitting at a candle lit table. I guess it was foolish of me to think we'd be leaving this place. Nevertheless, if I wasn't being held here against my will, this date wouldn't be too bad.

"Do you have a problem?" Mr Kim asked impatiently, noticing I was staring off into the distance. Geez this guy has major mood swings.

"No, Mr Kim," I said softly while staring at my lap. I felt slightly nervous at the fact that there were around five butlers standing around us at least in a six metre radius.

"Meals please," Mr Kim grumbled to one of his servants.

Am I supposed to talk to him or...? Before I could open my mouth the very same butler came back outside with our meals in his hands. Gently, he placed a plate in front of me while staring straight into my eyes.

What is wrong with these people?

"You are excused," Mr Kim said while waving him away.

"This is... Nice," I mumbled with an awkward smile while looking around at the garden.

"Thank you, I make sure my gardeners work extra hard." He said in a boastful tone.

"That's uh, great." I chuckled uncomfortably. He's such a child.

"So how's the business?" I asked as Mr Kim took a sip of water. "Have you replaced me yet?" He immediately spat his drink out back into his glass in a coughing fit.

"Woah, are you okay?" I asked while standing up. His face was turning red as he continued choking. "Someone help!" I yelled while glancing around at the butlers who were motionless.

I paused in realisation.

I could let him choke to death then leave. It would be that simple. I could easily go back to my normal life with everyone I love.

I stared down at Mr Kim blankly. He would do the same to me if he were in this situation.

But I can't, I'm not like him.

I ran over behind Mr Kim and hit his back repeatedly, honestly, I had no idea what to do. Either from luck or my "skills" the ice cube got dislodged from his throat and shot out of his mouth.

The romance is real tonight.

"Are you-"

"Y/n," he said while grabbing onto my chin and pulling me close to his face. "I would never replace you." His chest rose and fell with each deep breath he took. "You know that."

I nodded in response. Was that a complement?

"Dessert please," Mr Kim ordered one of the butlers. I quickly sat back down in my seat. So I guess we're just going to pretend none of that happened.

"We didn't even finish our dinner," I mumbled as I watched my meal get taken away from me.

"I could've let that illness kill you," Mr Kim said while staring at me with cold eyes. "I let you into my home and you're complaining about your meal."

"I'm sorry..." I whispered while staring at my lap. What is he, bipolar? I just stopped him from choking to death and he's mad at me again?

The same butler brought me my dessert and gave me the same stare. It's like Mr Kim brainwashed them or something.

I stared at him in awe as I watched Mr Kim take a bite out of his cake then push the dessert off the table. Does he really have this much money to waste?

"What's wrong with your cake, sir?" The butler asked formally.

"Not sweet enough," Mr Kim groaned while rolling his eyes and leaning on his hand.

"Such a child," I mumbled before taking a bite of my cheesecake. "I think it's perfect," I said to the butler with a soft smile. He stared down at me blankly before shifting his attention back to Mr Kim.


"Would you like any drinks?"

"Tea," Mr Kim said in a stubborn voice.

"Please," I added before the butler walked away.

"Who taught you your manners?" I asked while staring at him in disapproval. He shrugged in response.

"I don't need manners if I have money."

"Yes yo-"

"Your tea, sir." The butler said as he arrived at our table. He cautiously poured Mr Kim's tea before turning to me. He held the tea pot over my tea cup with care before completely dropping it.

"Jesus!" I yelled while standing up. I now had boiling hot tea all over my lower body. The butler stared at me with a small smirk as I cursed to myself in pain.

"Let's go," Mr Kim said while holding both of my shoulders and leading me away. He stopped in front of the butler for a second before we walked inside.

"Clean this up," Mr Kim grumbled.

"Yes Sir," the butler respond.

"And if you try that shit one more time you'll be gone."


We finally arrived in Mr Kim's room and luckily, the tea all over my lap seemed to have cooled down a little.

"Take these and have a shower," Mr Kim said while handing me a while towel and folded clothes.

I gasped while stepping into his bathroom. Everything looked so... Expensive.


"I'm done," I mumbled while stepping out of the bathroom. I was wearing one of Mr Kim's large sweaters since that was all he gave me.

I let out a small squeak as I felt two strong arms push me up against the wall beside me.

"Now," he whispered with a small smirk. "Let's do what people usually do after dates."

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